14:31 uur 07-09-2017

Inschrijving voor CES 2018 geopend

–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Consumer Technology Association (CTA):


De inschrijving voor CES 2018 is officieel geopend. CES is de internationale verzamelplaats voor succesvolle spelers in consumentenelektronica. Op CES 2018 komen alle grote internationale sectoren aan bod. Het evenement verwelkomt 3900 exposanten en stimuleert de immer dynamische tech-sector in een exporuimte van 2,5 miljoen vierkante voet. Inschrijving voor exposanten wordt op 14 september geopend.


CES loopt van dinsdag 9 januari tot vrijdag 12 januari in Las Vegas in Nevada. Media-evenementen beginnen op zondag 7 januari in Mandalay Bay.


CES is een pure vakbeurs en is niet toegankelijk voor algemeen publiek. Professionals uit de sector wordt aanbevolen zich vooraf in te schrijven, zodat hun aanvraag sneller in behandeling wordt genomen. Voor algemene bezoekers kost inschrijving tot 18 december 100 dollar, vanaf 19 december stijgt die prijs naar 300 dollar. Voor geaccrediteerde media is een bezoek aan de beurs gratis. Badges zijn op te halen op meer dan 25 locaties in Las Vegas, waaronder de luchthaven McCarran International en officiële hotels en expovestigingen.



Registration Now Open for CES 2018

–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Consumer Technology Association (CTA):


Registration is officially open for CES® 2018, the world’s gathering place for all who thrive on the business of consumer technologies. CES 2018 will touch every major global industry, hosting 3,900 exhibitors, and drive the ever-evolving technology landscape across 2.5 million net square feet of exhibit space. Exhibitor registration will open September 14.


CES will run Tuesday, January 9 through Friday, January 12 in Las Vegas, NV. Media events begin at 11 AM on Sunday, January 7 at Mandalay Bay.


CES is a trade-only event and is not open to the general public. Industry professionals are encouraged to register in advance to ensure quicker review time and processing on-site. For general attendees, registration is $100 through December 18 and will increase to $300 on December 19. Registration for approved and credentialed media is always free. More than 25 locations throughout Las Vegas are designated for badge pickup, including key locations at McCarran International Airport, official show hotels and exhibit venues.


CES 2018:

Media registrants are required to provide a unique email address that can be verified.Registrants will receive an email from show organizers to verify the email address provided. If registering on behalf of someone else, a unique email for that person must be used, and that person will be required to click on the verification email directly.

Also new this year, CES badges will now include a photo ID. Please have a recent headshot ready to upload in the credentials section. And, as part of our enhanced security procedures, date of birth will be required again this year.


full audit summary is now available for CES 2017. Visit CES.tech for more information, including hotel and transportation details.

Note to Editors: The official name of the global technology event is “CES®.” Please do not use “Consumer Electronics Show” or “International CES” to refer to the event.

Please note CES security measures on CES.tech, including bag check pointsbag restrictionsand exceptions, and badge pickup locations for CES 2018.

About CES:

CES® is the world’s gathering place for all who thrive on the business of consumer technologies. It has served as the proving ground for innovators and breakthrough technologies for 50 years—the global stage where next-generation innovations are introduced to the marketplace. As the largest hands-on event of its kind, CES features all aspects of the industry. Owned and produced by the Consumer Technology Association (CTA)TM, it attracts the world’s business leaders and pioneering thinkers. Check out CES video highlights. Follow CES online at CES.tech and on social.

About Consumer Technology Association:

Consumer Technology Association (CTA)™ is the trade association representing the $321 billion U.S. consumer technology industry, which supports more than 15 million U.S. jobs. More than 2,200 companies – 80 percent are small businesses and startups; others are among the world’s best known brands – enjoy the benefits of CTA membership including policy advocacy, market research, technical education, industry promotion, standards development and the fostering of business and strategic relationships. CTA also owns and produces CES® – the world’s gathering place for all who thrive on the business of consumer technologies. Profits from CES are reinvested into CTA’s industry services.


  • Innovate Celebrate – Register
    October 9-11, San Francisco, CA
  • CES Unveiled Paris
    October 24, Paris, France
  • CES Unveiled Amsterdam
    October 26, Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • CT Hall of Fame Dinner
    November 7, New York, NY
  • CES Unveiled New York
    November 9, New York, NY
  • CES Unveiled Las Vegas
    January 7, Las Vegas, NV
  • CES 2018
    January 9-12, Las Vegas, NV
  • CES Asia 2018
    June 13-15, Shanghai, China


Consumer Technology Association (CTA)
Justin Siraj, 703-907-7415
Sarah Brown, 703-907-4326

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