18:31 uur 23-08-2017

Emailage haalt 10 miljoen aan groeikapitaal binnen voor versnelde uitbreiding

CHANDLER, Ariz.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Emailage, aanbieder van fraudepreventie en verificatiesystemen met behulp van risicoscores op basis van e-mailadressen, heeft 10 miljoen dollar aan groeikapitaal verworven. Anthos Capital voert de investering aan, met deelname van Radian Capital, Wipro Ventures, Mucker Capital en Tallwave Capital.

Emailage gebruikt de financiering om bestaande samenwerkingen uit te breiden en zijn krachtige voorspellende scoresysteem op basis van e-mailadressen verder te verbeteren. Daarnaast wordt het geld ingezet voor versnelde groei in Noord-Amerika, Europa, het Midden-Oosten en Afrika, Latijns-Amerika en andere belangrijke markten.



Emailage Receives $10 Million Growth Equity Investment to Accelerate Global Expansion

CHANDLER, Ariz.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Emailage, the leading provider of global fraud prevention and identity verification using email address scoring, today announced that it has received a $10 million growth equity investment. Anthos Capital led the investment, with participation from Radian Capital, Wipro Ventures, Mucker Capital and Tallwave Capital.

Emailage will use the funding to expand existing partnerships, further advance its powerful email address-based predictive scoring system, and accelerate growth in North America, EMEA, LATAM and other key markets. “This investment will allow us to continue our rapid growth, enhance our leadership position in the online fraud detection market and deliver significant fraud prevention capabilities to businesses around the world,” said Emailage CEO Rei Carvalho.

Emailage’s Software-as-a-Service solution delivers powerful, real-time risk intelligence by leveraging the email address as a unique global identifier. Emailage combines vast email transaction history, machine learning algorithms, and positive and negative data to generate a predictive risk score, which helps improve the risk assessment of any transaction where an email address is provided. Use cases include online transactions, new accounts/sign up process, customer account maintenance and marketplace listings.

“Emailage has developed a powerful solution that is critical for any company doing business online,” said Paul Farr of Anthos Capital. “We are proud to invest in a company that is making online transactions safer for businesses and consumers.”

Emailage helps reduce fraud for hundreds of customers around the world, including 5 of the top 10 global retailers, 3 of the top 5 largest global airlines, the top 3 PC manufacturers, 3 of top 6 credit card issuers, 3 of the top 5 marketplace lenders, the top 4 money transfer providers and 3 of the top 5 travel websites. This year to date, Emailage has analyzed nearly $100 billion in transaction volume and identified over 17 million high-risk transactions.

About Emailage

Emailage, founded in 2012 and with offices in Phoenix, London and Sao Paulo, is a leader in helping companies significantly reduce online fraud. Through key partnerships, proprietary data, and machine-learning technology, Emailage builds a multi-dimensional profile associated with a customer’s email address and renders a predictive risk score. Customers realize significant savings from identifying and stopping fraudulent transactions.

To learn more, visit: www.emailage.com


Dorothy Wolden, +1 (480) 719-4758
PR Director

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