17:10 uur 07-08-2017

Scientist.com en IndieBio creëren innovatiemarktplaats voor versneld biotechnologisch onderzoek in vroege fase

SAN DIEGO–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Scientist.com, ‘s werelds grootste online marktplaats voor uitbestede onderzoeksdiensten, en IndieBio, ‘s werelds grootste accelerator voor startups in biotech, hebben vandaag aangekondigd samen te werken aan een innovatiemarktplaats ter versnelling van onderzoek en ontwikkeling. Biotechbedrijven die deelnemen aan IndieBio’s productgerichte ontdekkingsprogramma’s en een lange lijst alumni van IndieBio kunnen vanaf nu via het platform Scientist.com gemakkelijk samenwerken met meer dan tweeduizend commerciële onderzoekers.

“Onze leden zijn al erg succesvol wanneer ze Scientist.com inzetten om snel aanbieders van hoogwaardige onderzoeksdiensten te vinden en te benaderen en toegang tot nieuwe technologie te verkrijgen”, zei Jun Acup, PhD en wetenschappelijk directeur van IndieBio. “Deze nieuwe samenwerking met Scientist.com bouwt voort op deze vroege successen en biedt nieuwe leden, maar ook ons wijdverbreide netwerk van alumni-bedrijven extra voordelen.”



Scientist.com and IndieBio Create Next Generation Innovation Marketplace to Accelerate Early Stage Biotech Research

SAN DIEGO–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Scientist.com, the world’s largest online marketplace for outsourced research services, and IndieBio, the world’s largest biotech seed accelerator, announced today a partnership to create an innovation marketplace that speeds research and development. Biotech companies participating in IndieBio’s product-directed discovery programs and a long list of accomplished IndieBio alumni can now easily collaborate with over 2,000 commercial research suppliers through the Scientist.com platform.

“Our members have already had success using Scientist.com to quickly find and engage high-quality research suppliers and access new technologies,” said Jun Axup, PhD, IndieBio’s Science Director. “This new partnership with Scientist.com builds off that early success and provides additional benefits to new members as well as our extensive network of alumni companies.”

IndieBio is a venture-backed accelerator in the Bay Area that offers biotech startups the opportunity to transform their business idea into reality with $250K in seed money, operational support and introductions to potential investors and partners. The program accepts fifteen early stage companies twice a year to take part in an intensive four-month business acceleration program.

“Early stage biotech companies, like those at IndieBio, need to be able to find and engage experienced research suppliers quickly,” stated Kevin Lustig, PhD, Scientist.com’s CEO. “IndieBio’s innovation marketplace gives their member companies instant access to our industry-leading supplier network and the sourcing support they need to get high-quality, timely research services at a competitive price.”

Through its partnerships with over half of the major global pharmaceutical companies, Scientist.com handles thousands of outsourcing requests per year, giving it unique insight into the research services market. The new IndieBio innovation marketplace gives its members access to sourcing tools, experience and expertise that would not normally be available to biotech startups.

About Scientist.com

Scientist.com is the world’s largest scientific services marketplace. The marketplace simplifies research sourcing, saves time and money and provides access to innovative tools and technologies while maintaining full compliance with an organization’s procurement policies. Scientist.com operates private marketplaces for most leading pharmaceutical companies and the US National Institutes of Health (NIH). Visit scientist.com to learn more.

About IndieBio

IndieBio is the world’s largest life sciences seed accelerator, with 67 funded startups since March 2015. Companies from all over the world apply to be part of a four-month acceleration program that includes $250,000 in funding, dedicated mentorship and 24/7 access to a co-working space and bio-safety level 1 & 2 research labs. IndieBio companies solve problems in a wide range of industries including biotech, healthcare, agtech, neurotech, regenerative medicine, biomaterials and the future of food among others. Visit indiebio.co to learn more.

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Kevin Lustig

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