10:32 uur 01-08-2017

Digi Communications N.V. maakt publicatie bekend van het rapport van rechtshandelingen

BUCHAREST, Romania–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Digi Communications N.V. maakt bekend dat het een rapport van rechtshandelingen gaat publiceren, afgesloten door DIGI Communications N.V. in overeenkomst met de Roemeense wet no. 24/2017 and regel 1/2006 van de CNVM en de Independent Limited Assurance Report over de informatie met daarbij het huidige rapport, verstrekt door de Company in overeenkomst met de regels van wet 24/2017 (artikel 82) en bepaling no. 1/2006.

Digi Communications N.V. (“Digi” of de “Company”) maakt bekend dat op 28 juli 2017 het rapport met betrekking tot de rechtshandelingen gesloten door DIGI Communications N.V. in samenspraak met de Roemeense wet no. 24/2017 en regel no. 1/2006 van CNVM voor H1 2017 publiekelijk openbaar is gemaakt op de Roemeense beurs (“BVB”) en op de website van de Company, terwijl het ook beschikbaar werd gesteld voor de Roemeense Financial Supervisory Authority (“ASF”) en de Nederlandse Autoriteit voor Financiele Markten (“AFM”).

Digi Communications N.V.announces the publishing of Report of legal acts…

BUCHAREST, Romania–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Digi Communications N.V.announces the publishing of Report of legal acts concluded by DIGI Communications N.V. in accordance with Romanian Law no. 24/2017 and Rule no. 1/2006 of CNVM and the Independent Limited Assurance Report on the information included in the current report issued by the Company in accordance with requirements of Law 24/2017 (Article 82) and Regulation no. 1/2006

Digi Communications N.V. (“Digi” or the “Company”) announces that on July 28, 2017 the Report regarding legal acts concluded by DIGI Communications N.V. in accordance with Romanian Law no. 24/2017 and Rule no. 1/2006 of CNVM for H1 2017 was made publicly available on the Romanian Stock Exchange (“BVB”) and the Company’s website, while also being available with the Romanian Financial Supervisory Authority (“ASF”) and the Dutch Authority for Financial Markets (“AFM”).

Additionally, on July 31, 2017 the Company submitted the Independent Limited Assurance Report on the information included in the current report issued by the Company in accordance with requirements of Law 24/2017 (Article 82) and Regulation no. 1/2006 to the Romanian Stock Exchange (“BVB”) and the Company’s website, while also being available with the Romanian Financial Supervisory Authority (“ASF”) and the Dutch Authority for Financial Markets (“AFM”).

For details regarding the reports, please access the official websites designated of Digi: http://investors.rcs-rds.ro and www.digi-communications.ro ( Investor Relations Section).

About Digi Communications NV

Digi is the parent holding company of RCS & RDS, a leading provider of pay TV and telecommunications services in Romania and Hungary. In addition, RCS & RDS provides mobile services as an MVNO to the large Romanian communities living in Spain and Italy.


For Digi Communications NV
Serghei Bulgac
Phone no: +4031 400 4444
ipo.relations@digi-communicat ions.ro

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