14:54 uur 31-07-2017

Oberthur Fiduciaire krijgt banknote paper production plant (VHP) van Arjowiggins Security

PARIS – (BUSINESS WIRE) – Oberthur Fiduciaire is verheugd aan te mogen kondigen dat het vandaag van Arjowiggins Security haar banknote paper production plant, beter bekend als VHP, heeft gekregen, alsook alle bankbiljet-gerelateerde Intellectual Property.

VHP Security Paper ligt in Apeldoorn, de fabriek is uitgerust om papier voor de Euro te maken. Het bedrijf heeft een jaarlijkse productiecapaciteit van ongeveer 6.500 ton en heeft ongeveer 130 medewerkers.

Het bedrijf wordt vernoemd naar VHP Security Paper, een merk dat een sterke geschiedenis heeft in de industrie. VHP Security Paper produceert en levert al meer dan 200 jaar state-of-the-art bankbiljetpapier over de hele wereld.

Oberthur Fiduciaire Acquires from Arjowiggins Security Its Banknote Paper Production Plant Known as VHP

PARIS–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Oberthur Fiduciaire is pleased to announce that today it acquired from Arjowiggins Security its banknote paper production plant known as VHP, as well as all its banknote related Intellectual Property.

Located in Apeldoorn, Holland, the VHP Security Paper plant is equipped to manufacture paper for the Euro; has an annual production capacity of around 6,500 tonnes and employs about 130 people.

The company will be renamed VHP Security Paper, a brand which has such a strong history in our industry.

“VHP Security Paper has been producing and supplying state-of-the-art banknote paper throughout the world for more than 200 years. It was the right choice and the perfect match for both Oberthur and VHP. We are very excited by this new acquisition which will furthermore consolidate Oberthur Fiduciaire’s position as one of the largest and fastest growing banknote printers in the world” said Thomas Savare, CEO of Oberthur Fiduciaire.

About Oberthur Fiduciaire
A trusted partner and global security expert serving its clients since 1842, Oberthur Fiduciaire is one of leading private security printers in the world, now serving 70 countries. Oberthur Fiduciaire is a specialist in the design and production of banknotes, associated security features and secure documents. Oberthur Fiduciaire’s know-how and expertise, integrity and trust, have long been recognized by central banks and governments across the world. The company is headquartered in Paris, with manufacturing sites in France and in Bulgaria.
For more information: www.oberthur-fiduciaire.com

Siège social (Headquarters) : 7, avenue de Messine – CS 30003 – 75384 Paris Cedex 08 – France
SAS au Capital de 497 000 000 € – RCS Paris 519 029 565 – Tél. : +33(0)1 42 99 77 00 – Fax : +33(0)1 42 99 77 90


Oberthur Fiduciaire:
Charlotte LAFONT, Telephone: +33 1 42 99 77 25
Email: c.lafont@fcof.com

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