17:41 uur 26-07-2017

VN-Migratieagentschap wijst Kony aan om digitale strategie voor het bereiken van meer migranten verder te ontwikkelen

AUSTIN, Texas – (Business Wire) – Kony, Inc., een toonaangevend bedrijfsmobiliteits- en digitaal applicatiebedrijf, heeft aangekondigd dat het door IOM, het VN-Migratieagentschap, is geselecteerd om haar digitale strategie te versnellen en haar visie te ondersteunen om te voorzien in informatie en humanitaire diensten aan meer migranten en overheidsinstanties.

Als toonaangevend intergouvernementeel agentschap in de wereld voor het welzijn, de veiligheid en de betrokkenheid van migranten, zal IOM het Kony AppPlatform gebruiken om mobiele apps, waaronder de MigApp, te leveren voor het verstrekken van belangrijke informatie en humanitaire diensten aan migranten wereldwijd.

IOM werkt nauw samen met intergouvernementele en niet-gouvernementele partners. Met 166 lidstaten, meer dan 400 veldlocaties en meer dan 90 procent van haar medewerkers in het veld, spelen mobiele applicaties een cruciale rol in het succes van IOM als een van de belangrijkste hulpverleners voor ‘s werelds ergste humanitaire noodgevallen.

UN Migration Agency Selects Kony to Accelerate Digital Strategy to Reach More Migrants

AUSTIN, Texas–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Kony, Inc., a leading enterprise mobility and digital applications company, announced that it has been selected by IOM, the UN Migration Agency, to accelerate its digital strategy and support its vision to provide information and humanitarian services to more migrants and government agencies.

As the world’s leading intergovernmental agency dedicated to the wellbeing, safety and engagement of migrants, IOM will use the  Kony AppPlatform to deliver mobile apps, including the  MigApp, to provide key information and humanitarian services to migrants worldwide.

IOM works closely with governmental, intergovernmental and non-governmental partners. With 166 member states, over 400 field locations and more than 90 per cent of its staff deployed in the field, mobile applications play a critical role in the success of IOM as one of the lead responders to the world’s worst humanitarian emergencies.

IOM is dedicated to enabling humane and orderly migration, promoting international cooperation on migration, assisting in the development of practical solutions for migration issues and providing humanitarian assistance to migrants, including refugees and internally displaced persons.

Many migrants encounter tremendous challenges throughout their journeys and though many migrants, especially those forcibly displaced or migrating irregularly, carry very few personal possessions, most people do carry a smartphone, which can be a gateway to reliable and practical information on migration and humanitarian services.

IOM intends to use the Kony AppPlatform to build multiple apps to support its mission, not only to empower migrants to take charge of their own journey, but also reduce their dependency on unauthorized entities and processes that are not beneficial to the migrants.

“Since our establishment in 1951, IOM upholds the belief that migration builds resilience,” said Bernardo Mariano, IOM’s Director of the Information and Communication Technology Division. “Migrants are agents of change and development. Our ultimate objective is to reduce the human and financial costs of migration through increased engagement with migrants. We look forward to leveraging Kony’s technology, expertise and secure mobile applications to further our commitment to the principle that humane and orderly migration benefits not just migrants but all of society,” he added.

IOM selected the Kony platform to develop and deliver the MigApp, with the goal of reaching 1 billion migrants and achieving 1 million downloads of the app by 2018. The MigApp is a one-stop-shop application that users can download to their mobile phones for free to access information and services relevant to their migration process.

The goal is to help migrants make informed decisions, provide them with access to services related to their migration process, and allow access to IOM programmes. Features planned for the first phase of MigApp include:

  • Remittance comparison allowing migrants to find cost-effective ways to send money home;
  • Access to up-to-date practical information on IOM programmes and services;
  • “I am a Migrant” space where migrants can share their experiences, tell their stories and upload photos to share with other MigApp users;
  • Notification services providing alerts on emergencies, health-care information, and other important information related to their location;
  • IOM news;
  • Online registration enabling IOM to capture data which can be used to analyse migration patterns and trends.

“We are thrilled to partner with all global leaders, and we take special pride in supporting the mission of the UN Migration Agency,” said Thomas E. Hogan, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Kony, Inc. “As a global citizen deeply committed to the communities we serve, our contribution to humanitarian services for the world’s migrants is both important and rewarding.”

For more information, please visit  www.kony.com. Connect with Kony on  Twitter,  Facebook, and  LinkedIn.


Alex Dougan, + 41 22 7179 352
Kony, Inc.
Jean Kondo +1 510-823-4728
Blanc & Otus
Danielle Tarp +1 415-856-5182

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