11:24 uur 25-07-2017

REDAVIA neemt Tanzania’s grootste zonnepark voor Shanta Gold in gebruik

MÜNCHEN & DAR ES SALAAM , Tanzania 0 (BUSINESS WIRE) – REDAVIA, wereldwijd marktleider voor rendabele verhuur van zonne-energie voor bedrijven en gemeenschappen, heeft het acht containers tellende zonnepark op Shanta Gold’s nieuwe Luika-mijn in het Chunya-district in Tanzania in gebruik genomen.

Deze Smart News Release beschikt over multimedia. Bekijk de volledige versie hier: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20170725005034/en/

Met de eerste zonnecentrale met één container, die in 2014 werd ingezet, heeft Shanta Gold snel de voordelen ervaren. De opbrengst was ongeveer 100.000 kWh. Dat bespaarde 28.000 liter aan brandstof en zorgde voor een Co2-reductie van 67 ton per jaar.

Shanta’s uitbreidingsplannen zorgden voor een toenemende vraag naar energie, zodat REDAVIA werd gevraagd om nog eens zeven containers te huren. Met nu acht operationeel en een capaciteit van 674kWp kan Shanta nu meer dan 1 miljoen kWh genereren waardoor 219.000 liter brandstof en 660 ton CO2 bespaard wordt.

REDAVIA Commissioned Tanzania’s Largest Solar Farm for Shanta Gold

MUNICH & DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania–(BUSINESS WIRE)– REDAVIA, a global market leader of cost-effective rental solar power for businesses and communities, has kicked off operations of its eight-container solar farm at Shanta Gold’s New Luika mine in the Chunya district, Tanzania.

This Smart News Release features multimedia. View the full release here:http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20170725005034/en/

New REDAVIA solar farm for Shanta Gold (Photo: Business Wire)New REDAVIA solar farm for Shanta Gold (Photo: Business Wire)

With the initial one container solar plant, deployed in 2014, Shanta Gold quickly experienced the benefits: it generated around 100,000 kWh with fuel savings of 28,000 liters and CO2 reduction of 67 tons per year.

Shanta’s underground expansion plans then saw an increasing energy demand, so they turned to REDAVIAto lease an additional seven containers. With eight now operational in total and a capacity of 674 kWp, Shanta is now set to generate more than 1 million kWh per year, saving 219,000 liters of fuel and ~660 tons of CO2.

“This is an exciting moment for us as we are now in a position to obtain our energy efficiency, cost and CO2 reduction targets thanks to REDAVIA,” said Toby Bradbury, CEO at Shanta Gold. “We could already see significant benefits since inception, but this solar expansion will make us a true role model within our industry.”

“Shanta Gold was committed to not only make reasonable cost choices, but also become eco-friendlier in key facets of its operation,” said Erwin Spolders, CEO at REDAVIA. “We are very proud that we became their trusted partner to help them achieve their financial and environmental goals.”

About Shanta Gold

Shanta is an East Africa-focused gold producer, developer and explorer. It currently has defined ore resources on the New Luika, Nkuluwisi and Singida projects in Tanzania and holds exploration licences over a number of additional properties in the country. Shanta’s flagship New Luika Gold Mine commenced production in 2012 and produced 87,713 ounces in 2016. The Company is admitted to trading on London’s AIM Market. www.Shantagold.com

About Redavia

REDAVIA offers rental solar power for businesses and communities. The REDAVIA system is based on a pre-configured container model, including high-performance solar modules and electrical components. It is easy to ship, set up, scale and redeploy. Businesses and communities benefit from a cost-effective clean energy solution without the need for upfront investment or technical skills, supporting the reduction of carbon emissions and increasing the impact on a sustainable society.www.redaviasolar.com


Angelika Kempf
+49 89 2426 8869

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