16:16 uur 25-07-2017

Morpho Licence2Go: het digitale licentieplatform van OT-Morpho

SIDNEY – (BUSINESS WIRE) – OT-Morpho, wereldleider op het gebied van digitale beveiligings- en identificatie technologieën, heeft via haar Australische dochteronderneming Morpho Australasia, een innovatieve oplossing voor digitale licenties gelanceerd, toepasselijk genaamd Licence2Go.

Het platform stelt de houders in staat hun identificatiedocumenten op te laten nemen in hun smartphone en te profiteren van beveiliging en flexibiliteit. Overal, altijd onderweg. De app met de hoofdlicentie wordt aangevuld met een verificatie-app, waarmee bijvoorbeeld de politie of anderen die een ID moeten controleren de details van de licentiehouder kunnen verifiëren zonder het apparaat vast te houden.

Licence2Go werkt op het principe van Privacy by design en in alle stadia blijft de controle over persoonsgegevens bij de eigenaar van het apparaat.

Morpho Licence2Go: the Digital Licence Platform from OT-Morpho

SYDNEY–(BUSINESS WIRE)– OT-Morpho, a world leader in digital security and identification technologies, has launched through its Australian subsidiary Morpho Australasia, an innovative solution for digital licences, aptly named Licence2Go. The platform allows the holders to dematerialize identification documents in their smartphone, benefiting from security and flexibility, with availability ‘Anywhere, anytime, on the go.’

The main licence app is complemented by a verification app, whereby police or others requiring ID checks can verify the details of the licence holder without needing to hold the device. Licence2Go works on the principle of Privacy by Design, and at all stages, control of personal data remains with the device owner. Contactless verification takes place between devices, with no personal data transmitted, even in areas away from mobile coverage. Depending on the level of authority required for a specific transaction, the licence holder is able to choose which information is shared (Name, address, DOB*, etc.). Licence details can be visually verified in-person or online, where facial verification can be used in the case of secure transactions such as loan applications.

Morpho Australasia is working with Transport authorities among others to customize the solution and brand the apps with the design of the issuing authority. The company has already begun a pilot study with an Australian Transport authority and is working to produce further pilots around the Asia-Pacific region in the second half of 2017.

Tim Ferris, OT-Morpho, managing director for Morpho Australasia, said of the trial: “Licence2Go is able to connect identity from the physical world into the digital world. We have had some great feedback from several jurisdictions and look forward to when leaving the physical document at home is no longer a problem.”

The most obvious application for the platform is with digital driving licences, but the concept is readily adapted elsewhere within government services and in the private sector, including membership cards, loyalty cards and corporate identification cards.

*Date Of Birth


OT-Morpho is a world leader in digital security & identification technologies with the ambition to empower citizens and consumers alike to interact, pay, connect, commute, travel and even vote in ways that are now possible in a connected world.

As our physical and digital, civil and commercial lifestyles converge, OT-Morpho stands precisely at that crossroads to leverage the best in security and identity technologies and offer customized solutions to a wide range of international clients from key industries, including Financial services, Telecom, Identity, Security and IoT.

With close to €3bn in revenues and more than 14,000 employees, OT-Morpho is the result of the merger between OT (Oberthur Technologies) and Safran Identity & Security (Morpho) completed on 31 May 2017. Temporarily designated by the name “OT-Morpho”, the new company will unveil its new name in September of this year.

For more information:
www.morpho.com and www.oberthur.com
Follow @Safran_Morpho and @OT_TheMcompany on Twitter.


Press contacts

Isabelle de BUYER, T + 33 (0)1 30 20 22 67
Julien TAHMISSIAN, T + 33 (0)1 58 47 90 54


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