12:59 uur 24-07-2017

Sigma Systems benoemt Glenn Gibson tot vicepresident Marketing in catalog-driven software

TORONTO–(BUSINESS WIRE)—Sigma Systems, de marktleider in catalog-drive software kondigt vandaag de benoeming aan van Glenn Gibson als vicepresident Marketing.

Gibson heeft meer dan twintig jaar ervaring in de communicatie, technologie en software industrie. Zijn meest recente functie was die van Head of Marketing bij Juniper Networks Canada, waar hij zowel de marketingafdeling gericht op dienstverleners en het in breder verband opererende bedrijf als ook de partner channel marketing met Canada onderhield.

Voor Juniper Networks leidde Gibson het product management team bij Sprint for voice advanced network sollutions, gevolgd door 16 jaar bij Amdocs in verschillende functies waaronder product marketing, brand management en hij leidde het Noord-Amerikaanse regionale marketing team voor tien jaar.


Sigma Systems Appoints Glenn Gibson as Vice President, Marketing

TORONTO–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Sigma Systems, the global leader in catalog-driven software, today announced the appointment of Glenn Gibson as Vice President of Marketing.

Mr. Gibson brings over 20 years of marketing experience within the communications, technology and software industries. He most recently served as the Head of Marketing at Juniper Networks Canada, where he led the marketing efforts targeting service providers and the broader enterprise space, as well as partner channel marketing for Canada.

Previous to Juniper Networks, Mr. Gibson led the product management team at Sprint for voice and advanced network solutions, followed by 16 years at Amdocs in various capacities including product marketing, brand management and leading the North American regional marketing team for 10 years. Mr. Gibson is a graduate of Wilfrid Laurier University’s Business Administration program.

In his role as Vice President of Marketing at Sigma Systems, Mr. Gibson is responsible for leading the company’s global marketing strategy, as it looks to further expand its footprint in North America, Europe, Middle East and Asia-Pacific.

I am thrilled to welcome Glenn on board. His extensive marketing experience in the communications and software industries makes him an excellent addition to the Sigma leadership team,” said Simon Muderack, Chief Commercial Officer and Executive Vice President at Sigma Systems. “Glenn has a track record of leading successful, creative teams and his ability to understand market trends and the impact they have on our customers is key to Sigma as we continue to grow our business globally.”

About Sigma Systems ( sigma-systems.com or Twitter @SigmaSystems)
Sigma Systems is the global leader in catalog-driven software solutions for communications, media, and high-tech companies. It serves over 80 customers in 40 countries with its award-winning products. The company’s portfolio spans enterprise-wide Catalog, Configure Price Quote (CPQ), Order Management and Provisioning products. Sigma utilizes an agile approach to implementing its B/OSS products for its customers. Sigma has offices in North and South America, Europe and Asia, with technology and integration partners in over 100 countries.


Sigma Systems
Noor Manji, +1-416-943-9696 x2118
Manager, Corporate Communications

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