09:25 uur 20-06-2017

Eerste World Kidney Cancer Q&A Day vestigt aandacht op groeiend wereldwijd probleem

AMSTERDAM–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Nierkanker is een stille ziekte in opkomst. Het wereldwijde aantal gevallen van nierkanker is in 2020 met 22 procent gegroeid, luidt de voorspelling. De verklaringen hiervoor zijn onvolledig, maar risicofactoren als ouderdom, obesitas, hoge bloeddruk en roken spelen mee.

Het gebrek aan verklarende antwoorden was voor de International Kidney Cancer Coalition (IKCC) en nierkankerorganisaties uit verschillende delen van de wereld aanleiding voor de eerste World Kidney Cancer Q&A Day. Op 22 juni formuleren patiënten, zorgverleners en lokale organisaties vragen waarop ze een antwoord proberen te vinden:

  • Wat verklaart de wereldwijde verschillen in het aantal nierkankergevallen? De ziekte komt vaak voor in Noord- en Oost-Europa, Noord-Amerika en Australië. Van de landen heeft Tsjechië naar schatting het hoogste cijfer.
  • Hoe kunnen we de groeiende kloof tussen sterftecijfers in opkomende en ontwikkelde economieën benaderen?
  • Hoe kunnen we nierkanker voorkomen of in een vroeger stadium vinden, zodat patiënten nog kunnen genezen?



First-Ever World Kidney Cancer Q&A Day Highlights Growing Global Burden

AMSTERDAM–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Kidney cancer is a silent disease that’s on the rise. The global incidence of kidney cancer is predicted to increase by a shocking 22 percent by 2020. Explanations are incomplete, but include risk factors such as ageing, obesity, high blood pressure and smoking.

The lack of answers is why the International Kidney Cancer Coalition (IKCC) and kidney cancer organisations worldwide are marking the first-ever World Kidney Cancer Q&A Day. On June 22, patients, carers, health care professionals and local organisations will be asking questions and seeking answers:

  • What explains the varying incidence of kidney cancer worldwide? High incidence rates are seen in northern and eastern Europe, North America and Australia, with the highest rates estimated in the Czech Republic?
  • How can we address the growing gap in mortality rates for kidney cancer between emerging and developed economies?
  • How can we prevent kidney cancer, or detect it earlier when patients can still be cured?

“We need global collaboration for kidney cancer – in research, awareness and advocacy – because when we work together we have a greater impact than we do alone and can drive significant change for patients,” says Dr. Rachel Giles, Chair, IKCC.

A new paper authored by leading experts, The Global Burden of Kidney Cancer: A Call to Action (under review) underscores the challenges faced in diagnosis and disease management.

The IKCC also launched the World Kidney Cancer Day Q&A Quiz. Available in nine languages, the seven-question quiz tests what you know – and what you need to know – about kidney cancer. For every quiz completed, $5 will be directed to a high-priority research project that will benefit patients worldwide.

Great Voice, Great Cause
Globally-recognized celebrity and humanitarian Juliet Ibrahim is the campaign’s Global Ambassador.

“Just like art, kidney cancer knows no boundaries. Working together – sharing our experience and our knowledge – we make a difference for the people affected by kidney cancer,” says Juliet. The Juliet Ibrahim Foundation gives hope to kidney cancer patients throughout Africa.

World Kidney Cancer Q&A Day has been established by the IKCC ( www.ikcc.org), a global body of 30 cancer organisations focused on improving the lives of people affected by kidney cancer. The campaign is supported by Bristol-Myers Squibb, Novartis, Pfizer, and Ipsen.


Reverb Consulting Group
Jilda Lazer, 1-647-290-7573

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