18:07 uur 01-06-2017

IBC faciliteert met Startup Forum nieuwe samenwerkingen en investeringsmogelijkheden in de media

LONDEN–(BUSINESS WIRE)– IBC kondigt vandaag het Startup Forum aan. Dit gloednieuwe initiatief voor IBC 2017 brengt innovatieve startups in digitale media, mediabedrijven en investeerders samen voor een dag vol keynotes, panelsessies, pitches en netwerkmogelijkheden. Het evenement, dat op 17 september 2017 plaatsvindt, wordt in samenwerking met Media Honeypot georganiseerd. Zij zijn de organisatoren van de gelijknamige internationale conferentie die leidinggevenden in de media de weg wijst bij hun zoektocht naar nieuwe kansen bij opkomende technologiebedrijven.

“Al vijftig jaar lang is IBC ‘s werelds belangrijkste evenement voor mediatechnologie. In 2017 wordt de media- en entertainmentindustrie getransformeerd door innovatieve en ondernemende startups. Daarom zoeken gevestigde mediabedrijven en investeerders actief naar nieuwe technologieën die het voortouw nemen bij de volgende groeifase”, zei Michael Crimp, ceo van IBC. “IBC2017 omarmt deze kans en lanceert daarom het IBC Startup Forum. Door de kennis van IBC te combineren met de ervaring van Media Honeypot in het koppelen van partijen, wordt het IBC Startup Forum een niet te missen evenement.”



IBC to Facilitate New Media Partnerships and Investment Opportunities with Startup Forum

LONDON–(BUSINESS WIRE)– IBC announces today the launch of the Startup Forum, a brand-new initiative for IBC 2017 that brings together innovative digital media startups, media houses and investors for a day of keynote presentations, panel sessions, pitching and networking. The event, which runs on 17 September 2017, is held in association with Media Honeypot, organisers of the eponymous international conference that helps media executives identify new business opportunities with emerging technology companies.

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IBC to Facilitate New Media Partnerships and Investment Opportunities with Startup Forum (Photo: Bus ... IBC to Facilitate New Media Partnerships and Investment Opportunities with Startup Forum (Photo: Business Wire)

“For 50 years, IBC has been established as the world’s leading media technology event. In 2017, the media and entertainment business is being transformed by innovative and entrepreneurial Startups. For this reason, established media houses and investors are actively seeking out the new technologies that will lead the next wave of growth,” said IBC CEO Michael Crimp. “IBC2017 is embracing this opportunity by launching the IBC Startup Forum. IBC’s industry knowledge, combined with Media Honeypot’s matchmaking expertise, ensures that the IBC Startup Forum is a must-attend event.”

Startups and growing businesses with innovative digital media or media business related services such as VR/AR, Social Media, Ad Technology, AI, eCommerce, eSports, Apps or Security, Search Engine Marketing, Conversion Optimisation, AI, Machine Learning, Apps or SEO are invited to apply to take part in the Startup Forum. The Media Honeypot and IBC teams will screen the applicants and hand-pick approximately 75 companies which they feel are of most interest to media investors, and can therefore reap the most benefits from attending.

Successful applicants can then purchase discounted tickets to attend, gaining the opportunity to pre-arrange meetings with interested media houses, VCs and investors to discuss possible partnerships.

As well as networking opportunities, the seminar programme features key speakers who will share invaluable insights into the latest developments in media technology and how they can be harnessed into successful business opportunities. Confirmed speakers to date including Marco DeMiroz, Co-Founder and General Partner, The Virtual Reality Fund; Steffen Keidel, Chief Financial Officer, Adblock Germany; and Michael Jaschke, CEO, Glomex/ ProSiebenSat1.

All startups are welcome to participate in the Pitching Competition and selected participants will pitch their business ideas to industry experts and receive direct feedback from one of the experts in one-to-one sessions. The five finalists will pitch on stage and the winning company will receive a cash prize.

“Media Honeypot serves as a new platform to connect European startups and legacy players to find innovation and foster competitiveness in the European media landscape. We are delighted to be working with IBC on this brand-new initiative for 2017,” said Heikki Rotko, Co-Founder and Chairman of Media Honeypot.

For more information and application details, visit https://show.ibc.org/ibc-startup-forum

## ENDS ##

About IBC

IBC is the world’s leading media, entertainment and technology show. It attracts 55,000+ attendees from more than 170 countries and combines a highly respected and peer-reviewed conference with an exhibition that showcases more than 1,700 leading suppliers of state of the art electronic media and entertainment technology.

IBC2017 Dates

Conference: 14 – 18 September 2017
Exhibition: 15 – 19 September 2017

For more information about IBC2017 visit: https://show.ibc.org/


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