13:35 uur 01-06-2017

GMC Software lanceert Business Partner Track binnen verruimd Partner Advantage Program

BOSTON–(BUSINESS WIRE)– www.gmcsoftware.com : GMC Software, de bekroonde leider in Customer Communications Management (CCM), heeft vandaag de lancering van zijn Business Partner Track binnen het Partner Advantage Program aangekondigd. Dit traject is bedoeld om alle GMC Software-partners betrokken te houden, te ondersteunen en mogelijkheden te bieden. Het traject Business Partner is de tweede van de vier te lanceren tracks. De eerste, Delivery Partner track, is in april 2017 onthuld en voorziet in diensten voor probleemloze implementatie bij GMC Software-klanten.

Bedrijven die als Business Partners zijn toegelaten, hebben ervaring in het helpen van klanten bij de omschrijving, selectie, evaluatie en aankoop van geschikte CCM-systemen. Partners hebben toestemming om GMC Software weder te verkopen en klanten bij te staan met praktische en technische productexpertise in een reeks sectoren, zoals financiële dienstverlening, de verkeringsbranche, gezondheidszorg en aanverwante dienstverlening. Technologieproviders profiteren van hun band met GMC Software, doordat ze toegang verkrijgen tot nieuwe markten en kansen op hogere inkomsten. Bovendien biedt de relatie mogelijkheden voor upsell en een uitbreiding van het waardeverhogend aanbod.



GMC Software Launches Business Partner Track of Newly-expanded Partner Advantage Program

BOSTON–(BUSINESS WIRE)– www.gmcsoftware.com : GMC Software, the award-winning leader in Customer Communications Management (CCM), announced today the launch of the Business Partner track of its newly-expanded Partner Advantage Program intended to engage, empower and enable all types of GMC Software partners. The Business Partner track is the second of four tracks to be launched. The first was the Delivery Partner track, announced in April 2017, designed to provide seamless implementation services for GMC Software’s customer base.

Companies approved to become certified Business Partners have experience helping customers define, identify, evaluate and purchase the right CCM solution. Partners are authorized to resell the GMC Software solution suite and provide customers with functional and technical product expertise in a range of vertical industries, including financial services, insurance, healthcare and service providers that serve those markets. Technology providers benefit from the relationship with GMC Software by gaining access to new markets and uncovering incremental revenue opportunities, in addition to increasing upsell opportunities and expanding value-added offerings.

“Partnering with like-minded technology providers through the Business Partner track of the GMC Software Partner Advantage Program is a way to expand the reach of both our organizations, as well as to foster the growth of CCM as a standard business practice,” said Rob Daleman, VP, corporate marketing at GMC Software. “Putting the ability to develop world-class omnichannel customer communications into the hands of more customers around the globe is a way to create the high level of customer experience consumers expect.”

The GMC Software Partner Advantage Program accommodates four tracks of business partners according to an organization’s individual business model and relationship with GMC Software: Delivery Partners, Business Partners, Alliances Partners and ISV/Technology Partners. GMC Software’s current Business Partners include Canon, ReDigital, Kodak, Ricoh, SCREEN, SocialPath, Xerox and many more.

For more information about the GMC Software Partner Advantage Program, click here.

About GMC Software

GMC Software helps companies communicate with their customers and employees. GMC Software empowers organizations to create stronger engagements with timely and relevant communications. A Neopost Digital Company, GMC Software provides the means for business users to develop contextual, highly individualized communications across all channels that span the entire customer journey. A leader in customer communications, GMC Software supports thousands of clients and partners in banking, insurance, healthcare and service providers around the world.


Sterling Kilgore
Sandy Armstrong
Account Executive

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