15:51 uur 31-05-2017

Zimbra van Synacor bezet toppositie in Radicati’s rapport over e-mailplatforms

BUFFALO, N.Y.–(BUSINESS WIRE) — Synacor (Nasdaq:SYNC) heeft vandaag bekendgemaakt dat zijn platform voor berichten en samenwerking, Zimbra, door marktonderzoeker The Radicati Group is opgenomen in het rapport Messaging Platforms for Service Providers 2017. Het rapport analyseert belangrijke verkopers in de branche voor berichtencommunicatie, met speciale aandacht voor functionaliteit en strategische visie. Het onderzoek is bedoeld als hulpmiddel voor investeerders, organisaties, dienstverleners en verkoperd die welbewuste beslissingen moeten nemen over berichtenplatforms voor dienstverleners.

“Nadat Synacor Zimbra in 2015 had aangekocht, heeft het dit platform versterkt”, zei Sara Radicati, van de The Radicati Group. “Door te profiteren van de toename van API’s en de opkomst van de cloud heeft Synacor Zimbra ontworpen als een open, uitbreidbaar en veilig platform. Hierdoor is Zimbra een goede keuze voor dienstverleners, ondernemingen, overheidsinstellingen en gereguleerde sectoren, zoals financiën en gezondheidszorg.”



Synacor’s Zimbra Platform Receives Top Marks in Radicati’s 2017 Report on Email Platforms

BUFFALO, N.Y.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Synacor (Nasdaq:SYNC) today announced that its messaging and collaboration platform, Zimbra, has been ranked a top player by market research firm The Radicati Group in its 2017 Messaging Platforms for Service Providers report. The report analyzes key vendors in the messaging space, based on functionality and strategic vision, and is intended to help investors, organizations, service providers, and vendors who need to make informed decisions about messaging platforms for the service provider market.

“Since it acquired Zimbra in 2015, Synacor has reinvigorated the platform,” said Sara Radicati, The Radicati Group. “Leveraging the growth of APIs and the rise of the cloud, Synacor has designed Zimbra to be an open, extensible, and secure platform. As a result, Zimbra is a good choice for service providers, enterprises, government agencies and regulated industries, such as finance and healthcare.”

“We are pleased that Zimbra was recognized as a market leader in email and collaboration,” said Synacor CEO Himesh Bhise. “More than 100 service providers, 1,000 government organizations, and 2,500 enterprises already trust our platform. We will continue to work with our customers and our community to innovate functionality, monetization and operations that enable a superior Zimbra experience.”

The Radicati Market Quadrant provides a competitive view of key players in the Messaging Platforms for Service Providers Market. Radicati Market Quadrants are designed to illustrate how individual vendors fit within specific technology markets at any given point in time. Vendors are ranked according to installed base market share, functionality and strategic vision into four quadrants: Top Players, Trail Blazers, Mature Players, and Specialists.

About Zimbra Collaboration Suite

Zimbra, a Synacor product, connects people and information with unified collaboration software that includes email, calendaring, file sharing, chat and video chat. It powers approximately 500 million mailboxes and works with 1,500 partners. More than 2,500 enterprises, 1,000 governments and 100 service providers trust Zimbra.

Zimbra can be deployed on-premise, in the cloud or as a hybrid service. The Zimbra Business Solution Provider Network offers it as a Hosted Service. Synacor operates a turnkey, fully hosted/managed, and monetized solution for Service Providers.

The global email market is still growing. According to The Radicati Group, nearly half of the global adult population will have an email account by year-end 2020. Recently, Synacor released a new whitepaper, “Email’s Renaissance,” that outlines changing consumer behaviors, attitudes, and habits around email, key challenges facing email providers and the benefits of leveraging collaboration to accelerate innovation.

About Synacor

Synacor (Nasdaq: SYNC) is the trusted technology development, multiplatform services and revenue partner for video, internet and communications providers, device manufacturers, governments, and enterprises. Synacor’s mission is to enable its customers to better engage with their consumers. Its customers use Synacor’s technology platforms and services to scale their businesses and extend their subscriber relationships. Synacor delivers managed portals, advertising solutions, email and collaboration platforms, end-to-end video solutions and cloud-based identity management. www.synacor.com

For more information about becoming a Zimbra Partner visit https://www.zimbra.com/partners/become-partner/.


Matt Wolfrom, 716-362-3880
VP, Corporate Communications

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