18:42 uur 22-05-2017

MBA Renewables stimuleert netwerken en discussies op eerste Alumniconferentie “Integration of Renewable Power Generation”

BERLIJN–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Professionals uit zeventien landen komen samen in Berlijn voor de eerste Alumniconferentie van MBA Renewables. Het evenement “Integration of Renewable Power Generation” vindt van 21 tot 25 juni 2017 plaats en presenteert verschillende invalshoeken en uitdagingen van de Energiewende (de energietransitie in Duitsland) – een onderwerp dat wereldwijd veel aandacht genereert. Daarnaast is het evenement een uniek platform voor de uitwisseling van ervaringen tussen experts die de master MBA Renewables hebben gevolgd. MBA Renewables wordt sinds 2011 aangeboden door de Hogeschool Beuth in Berlijn en is de eerste op afstand te volgen Master of Business Administration met een focus op duurzame energie, efficiënt energieverbruik en de strijd tegen klimaatverandering.



MBA Renewables fosters networking and discussion at its first Alumni Conference “Integration of Renewable Power Generation”

BERLIN–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Professionals from 17 different countries are gathering in Berlin (Germany) for the first MBA Renewables Alumni Conference “Integration of Renewable Power Generation” from 21 – 25 June 2017. The conference is presenting perspectives and challenges of the ongoing Energiewende (Germany’s energy transition), a topic which is raising interest all over the world. Additionally, the event serves as a unique platform for exchange amongst the experts who have studied the MBA Renewables. MBA Renewables, offered by the Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin and Renewables Academy AG (RENAC) since 2011, is the first distance learning Master of Business Administration degree with a focus on renewable energy and energy efficiency to combat climate change.

The conference opens with a reception at Beuth University with keynote speeches by Noara Kebir, Managing Director MicroEnergy International GmbH and the Advisory Board member Stefan Müller, COO Enerparc AG. In addition to seminars and practical exercises, participants get an insight in the renewable energy industry through field trips and discussions with MBA Renewables Advisory Board members. Furthermore, the MBA Renewables graduates are presenting outcomes of their Master’s theses, successful projects executed in the past years and research towards leveraging green energy technologies worldwide. The conference is supported by German Academic Exchange Service – DAAD – with funds from Federal Foreign Office.

The Distance Learning programme MBA Renewables is designed to equip future leaders with advanced interdisciplinary management skills necessary for executive positions in the highly-globalised market of renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies. Graduates can pursue career paths along the whole green energy value chain, from the private sector, to public organisations, financing institutions and consultancies.

The application phase for the next MBA Renewables intake ends on 1 September 2017.

For further information on MBA Renewables, please visit this link: http://www.mba-renewables.de/

The MBA Renewables Alumni Conference programme is available here: http://www.mba-renewables.de/mba-renewables/alumni-conference.html


Renewables Academy AG (RENAC)
Elena Cantos
+49 (0)30 526895870

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