08:39 uur 19-05-2017

Casusstudie van een vader – BBPOS’ betalingssystemen voor winkeliers

HONG KONG–(BUSINESS WIRE)—De nieuwe betaalsystemen voor winkeliers van BBPOS zijn doorontwikkeld; ze zijn extreem krachtig en volledig mobiel. Winkeliers met mPOS-systemen kunnen per direct nieuwe afrekenpunten openen in het geval van een onverwachte toestroom klanten, wanneer een . Apparaten van BBPOS zijn zo compact dat medwerkers zelfs in de rij transacties met klanten kunnen voltooien.

Jimmy Tang, medeoprichter en Chief Software Architect van BBPOS, zei: “Op Paaszondag ging ik met mijn driejarige dochter naar de Toys ‘R’ Us. Na zorgvuldig onderzoek koos ze voor Lego® en gingen we naar de kassa. Alle rijen waren lang, maar de meeste bewogen, behalve de onze. De kassamedewerker was, net zoals wij allemaal, overgeleverd aan de kuren van de betaalhardware. Het kon de betalingen niet verwerken. We waren op zijn zachtst gezegd lichtelijk geïrriteerd en het tastte overduidelijk onze ‘klantervaring’ aan.”

BBPOS: https://bbpos.com/solutions/

Deze bekendmaking is officieel geldend in de originele brontaal. Vertalingen zijn slechts als leeshulp bedoeld en moeten worden vergeleken met de tekst in de brontaal, die als enige rechtsgeldig is.


A Dad’s Case Study—BBPOS Retail Payment Solutions

HONG KONG–(BUSINESS WIRE)– BBPOS newly launched Retail Payment Solutions have evolved; it is extremely powerful and completely mobile. Merchants using mPOS solutions can open new checkout counters immediately to accommodate a sudden influx of customers or when a station crashes. BBPOS devices are so compact that associates can even work with customers while they stand in line to complete transactions.

Jimmy Tang, Co-Founder & Chief Software Architect of BBPOS shared, ‘On Easter Sunday, I went to Toys”R”Us® with my three-year-old daughter. After careful scrutiny, she chose a set of Legos® and we headed to checkout. All of the lines were long, but most were moving, except ours. The cashier, and the rest of us, were at the mercy of the payment hardware—it would not process the transaction. Eventually, the store manager moved the entire line to another register. We were all, to say the least, a bit annoyed and it certainly diminished our “customer experience.”’

We have all been there–in a retail shop, in a restaurant, at the grocery store—stuck in the slow line. And, as I observed during the Toys”R”Us® incident, some customers completed their purchases, while others left their items on the counter and left the store.

This small but common incident is a reminder to those of us in the payments industry that customer attention is short and their patience is even shorter. Transaction speed is critical to the bottom line! I could not help but smile, knowing that mPOS devices and systems can solve this problem.

BBPOS solutions also offer unique advantages that go beyond completing sales transactions. With mPOS, sales associates can move from behind the counter, and extend true “customer service.” This ability to engage with customers provides an opportunity to develop relationships and enhance sales. Above all, mPOS solutions enhance the entire customer experience and increase the likelihood of return business.

Study more at https://bbpos.com/solutions/


BBPOS is recognized as an innovator, manufacturer, and worldwide distributor of end-to-end mobile POS (mPOS) solutions for retail, hospitality, delivery, transportation, and government clients. Jimmy Tang co-founded BBPOS in 2008. With almost 20 years of experience in research and development, Jimmy has extensive experience and unparalleled expertise in cutting-edge technology.


BBPOS International
Gloria Chan, +852-3907-0305

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