09:15 uur 17-05-2017

Innovatieve Koreaanse tech-startups breiden uit naar Europese markt

SEOUL, Zuid-Korea–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Eenendertig veelbelovende Koreaanse startups zijn aanwezig op de TNW Conference Europe 2017, die op 18 en 19 mei 2017 plaatsvindt in Amsterdam.

De startups tonen de Europese markt geavanceerde technologieën, zoals fin-tech op basis van blockchain, nieuwe nanomaterialen, milieuvriendelijke producten, IoT en software.

Het ministerie van Wetenschap, ICT en Toekomst, het ministerie van Cultuur, Sport en Toerisme en de Vereniging voor het Midden- en Kleinbedrijf van de Koreaanse overheid zetten zich onder de naam K-Startup gezamenlijk in om technologische startups vooruit te helpen op de Europese markt.

Deze bekendmaking is officieel geldend in de originele brontaal. Vertalingen zijn slechts als leeshulp bedoeld en moeten worden vergeleken met de tekst in de brontaal, die als enige rechtsgeldig is.


Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning
Yang Yunay, +82 2 2110 2086
Deputy Director



Innovative Korean Tech Startups Expand into the European Market

– By far the biggest number of Korean startups is demonstrating their infinite potential by taking part in TNW Conference Europe 2017

SEOUL, South Korea–(BUSINESS WIRE)– 31 promising Korean startups are attending TNW Conference Europe 2017 (hereafter “the Conference”) to be held May 18-19, 2017, in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

31 Promising startups of Korea will showcase advanced technologies such as Fintech based on blockchain, nano new materials, eco-friendly products, IoT and software service to the European market.

Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning (hereafter “MSIP”), Ministry of Culture, Sports & Tourism and Small and Medium Business Administration of the Korean government are making joint efforts in backing tech startups to advance into the European market under the name of K-Startup.

Mr. Koh Kyeongmo, Deputy Minister for Creative Economy Coordination in MSIP showed high expectations for the Conference in that it will trigger promotion of Korean startups’ tech capabilities on the global stage and attract substantial investment in the future.

TNW Conference Europe 2017

This is the largest tech conference in Europe having been initiated from 2006 and it consists of programs including workshops, tailored networking events for startups and exhibitions. It is expected to attract about 20,000 participants and 4,000 companies who are tech investors, accelerators and startups from over 100 countries.

The Korean government will increase the support for Korean tech startups pioneering into the European market by utilizing the venue of the Conference.

Korea in TNW Conference

In the Conference, the Korean government is operating K-Startup Pavilion which displays products and services from various fields such as iris recognition devices and solutions, drones with one-handed controllers, seed packages and portable hydro-power generators.

In particular, the Korean government will cohost Investor Dinner with TNW, thereby fostering networking of global investors. In the venue, around 80 promising investors handpicked by TNW along with some Korean startups participate.

Furthermore, 7 Korean startups are advancing to the semi-final round of competition which guarantees them the chance to pitch in Arena. In the competitions, Korean startups’ innovative products will be promoted and the startups will compete to be award-winners.

31 Promising Startups of Korea

Major Korean startups will take part in the Conference. For example, Smart Study, a kids-content startup having exceeded 15.5m dollars in sales as of 2016 will attend the event. Studio XID, a software startup of which its service is used by global companies such as Google, Facebook, Baidu and Alipay will also participate. For detailed information on best Korean startups, please visit here or watch K-Startup Show reel.


Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning
Yang Yunay, +82 2 2110 2086
Deputy Director

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