17:39 uur 04-05-2017

Intersolar Europe 2017: lucratieve financieringsmodellen voor zonne-energiesystemen

MUNCHEN–(BUSINESS WIRE)– De markt voor de distributie en beschikbaarheid van fotovoltaïsche energie groeit razendsnel: volgens de nieuwste  “Global Solar Demand Monitor” van GTM Research verwachten analisten dat de vraag naar fotovoltaïsche energie dit jaar 85,4 gigawatt zal zijn. Daarmee is de markt voor fotovoltaïca verdubbeld ten opzichte van 2014. Om deze groei in distributie en beschikbaarheid van zonne-energie voort te zetten, zijn nieuwe financieringsmodellen essentieel. Fotovoltaïsche energie wordt gekenmerkt door technologie die lage operationele kosten faciliteert, maar tegelijkertijd zorgt voor relatief hoge implementatiekosten.



Intersolar Europe 2017: Lucrative Financing Models for Solar Installations

MUNICH–(BUSINESS WIRE)– The worldwide distribution and availability of the photovoltaic (PV) market is booming: according to the latest “Global Solar Demand Monitor” of GTM Research, analysts expect the demand in PV to be 85.4 giga watts this year. Thus, the PV market will have doubled since 2014. To continue this expansion in distribution and availability of solar energy, new financing models will be essential. PV is characterized by technology, which enables low operating costs, but, at the same time, implementation costs are relatively high.

From production directly to market

Merchant-PV power plants play an increasingly important role here: the produced PV electricity will be directly offered in the energy market. Important to note here: this energy must not be more expensive than conventional electricity in order to remain competitive.

Finance solar projects with eco-loans

Eco-loans are another lucrative opportunity through which solar projects are financed. The issuance of these bonds increased in 2016 by 120 percent to $93.4 billion. The ratings agency Moody’s even predicts an increase to $206 billion in 2017. A more promising alternative is crowd funding through which investors become co-owners.

These and other financing models are presented at Intersolar Europe as well as Intersolar Europe Conference.

About Intersolar

Intersolar Europe is the world’s leading exhibition for the solar industry and its partners and takes place annually at the Messe München.

Intersolar Europe is organized by Solar Promotion GmbH, Pforzheim, and Freiburg Wirtschaft Touristik and Messe GmbH & Co. KG (FWTM).



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