14:40 uur 20-04-2017

IBC lanceert online platform IBC356 voor internationale media-, entertainment- en techbranche

LONDEN–(BUSINESS WIRE)– IBC presenteert met blijdschap IBC365 op www.ibc.org. Dit nieuwe online platform en wekelijks e-bulletin deelt via verfrissende en originele content het hele jaar lang de ongeëvenaarde sectorkennis en inzichten van IBC.

Vanuit de gedachte dat IBC wordt geleid ‘door de branche, voor de branche’ heeft de organisatie onlangs opdracht gegeven tot uitgebreid onafhankelijk onderzoek naar de stemming in de omroep- en mediasector. Zodoende wordt duidelijk op welke gebieden IBC van grotere waarde kan zijn voor de meer dan 1700 exposanten en 55.000 bezoekers van de IBC Show in Amsterdam in september. Uit het onderzoek kwam naar voren dat er behoefte is aan meer door IBC gegenereerde kennis buiten de beursperiode om.


IBC Launches 365 Online Community Platform for Global Media, Entertainment and Technology Industry

LONDON–(BUSINESS WIRE)– IBC is delighted to announce the launch of IBC365 at www.ibc.org, a new online community platform and weekly e-bulletin that will share IBC’s unparalleled business knowledge and insight through fresh and original content, throughout the year.

As part of IBC’s remit to be run “by the industry, for the industry”, the organisation recently commissioned extensive independent research to take the pulse of the broadcast and media industry and pinpoint areas where IBC could offer greater value to 1,700+ exhibitors and 55,000+ visitors of the IBC Show in Amsterdam in September. A key finding of the research was a desire for more IBC-generated industry insight outside of show time.

IBC Chief Executive Michael Crimp said: “For several years IBC stakeholders have asked for access to the wealth of knowledge generated by our wide range of industry experts. IBC365 enables us to deliver this invaluable market information and high quality content whenever and wherever it is needed. This will also allow us to reach out to new markets and draw them into the IBC community.”

In addition to serving the broadcast and media community, the research also identified a number of key adjacent markets such as Cloud, AR/VR, Mobile, IoT, Social Networks, Artificial Intelligence and Telcoms, which would benefit from IBC’s industry expertise.

IBC365 went live today with hundreds of articles and videos, including industry trends, executive interviews, thought leadership, technology papers and sponsored content across Production, Content Management, Delivery, Consumption and Technology Advances. Commissioned content specifically aimed at adjacent markets will engage them more fully with IBC. The editorial output of IBC365 will also align with the themes, sessions and speakers at IBC2017.

IBC’s leading team of writers, consultants and analysts includes Fergal Ringrose, formerly Editor-in-Chief of TVB Europe and the IBC Daily, as Executive Editor, and George Bevir, formerly Technology and Facilities Editor of Broadcast and Editor of Broadcast Tech, in the role of Editor.

IBC365, which can be found at ibc.org, goes live today.

## ENDS ##

About IBC

IBC is the premier annual event for professionals engaged in the creation, management and delivery of content worldwide. Attracting 55,000+ attendees from more than 170 countries, IBC combines a highly respected and peer-reviewed conference with an exhibition that exhibits more than 1,700 leading suppliers of state of the art electronic media technology and provides unrivalled networking opportunities.

IBC2017 Dates:

Conference: 14 – 18 September 2017

Exhibition: 15 – 19 September 2017

For more information about IBC365 go to www.ibc.org

For more information about IBC2017 visit show.ibc.org


Louise Wells, Bubble Communications
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