14:34 uur 03-04-2017

HISTALIM versterkt positie in Multiplex IHC en begeleidende diagnostiek met integratie twee nieuwe platforms van Roche Diagnostics

MONTPELLIER, Frankrijk–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Nieuwe ontwikkelingen op vlak van immuuntherapie tegen kanker vereisen meer weefselanalyse. De kenschetsing van de micro-omgeving van de tumor en de interactie binnen de tumor is van groot strategisch belang voor immuno-oncologie.  HISTALIM biedt op dit vlak veel onderzoeksmethoden, in samenwerking met biotechnologische bedrijven en farmaceuten in iedere ontwikkelingsfase.

Om zich te positioneren en de groei van zijn activiteit te versnellen, heeft HISTALIM – dat voorheen afhankelijk was van Roche Diagnostics-systemen – geïnvesteerd in een verdubbeling van de capaciteit van Ventana, dat is verkocht door Roche Diagnostics France, de dochteronderneming voor in vitro diagnostiek van de Zwitserse Roche Group.




HISTALIM Strengthens Its Positioning in Multiplex IHC and Companion Diagnostic by Integrating Two New Roche Diagnostics Platforms

MONTPELLIER, France–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Current developments in the field of cancer immunotherapies require increased tissue analysis. The characterization of tumor microenvironment and its immune interaction within the tumor has become a strategic stake in immuno oncology. This is what HISTALIM offers to investigate when it partners with biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies at each stage of their developments.

This Smart News Release features multimedia. View the full release here: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20170331005643/en/

Multiplex IHC labeling on human colon (Photo: HISTALIM)Multiplex IHC labeling on human colon (Photo: HISTALIM)

To enforce this positioning and accelerate the growth of its activity, HISTALIM which previously relied on two Roche Diagnostics systems has recently invested to double its capacities in the Ventana range, which is sold by Roche Diagnostics France, the subsidiary of the in vitro diagnostic activities of the Swiss Roche Group. Jean-Philippe COTON, HISTALIM’s CEO said: “ Roche Diagnostics France partners with us since the launch of our activity in immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization. Today HISTALIM figures among the leading service providers in Europe for multiplex IHC. Roche Diagnostics France was already active in multiplex tissue labeling. So it was obvious for us to empower this partnership”.

Alexis PUSCH, Life Science Alliances Manager Pharma – EMEA LATAM at Roche Diagnostics Franceadded: “ We are very happy to carry on the development of our relationship with HISTALIM , a company we have seen continuously grow since its beginning and which is now starting a new phase of its development after having reached a leading position on its market. Multiplex IHC is a key driver of our markets. Multiplication of companion diagnostics linked to marketed immunotherapies leads pathology toward a more complex discipline than it has ever had. These changes will bring lots of innovation so we are happy to help HISTALIM being able to work on these innovations using our platforms.”

HISTALIM, the first European laboratory to use a multiplex slide scanner, will communicate duringAACR 2017 on its new ambition to design and develop tools for new generation histopathology. Multiplex IHC staining, digital pathology, and computing of morphologic data are the technologies on which HISTALIM relies for its customer developments, as well as for its own, in the field of precision medicine.


Press contacts :
Jean-Philippe Coton, +33619646737
Roche Diagnostics France
Sophie de Leiris, +33476763051
Directeur de la Communication
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