CellProthera haalt 8,3 miljoen euro op
MULHOUSE, Frankrijk–(BUSINESS WIRE)– CellProthera, een biotechbedrijf met de geavanceerdste celtherapieën voor vernieuwing van beschadigde hartspieren na een hartinfarct, heeft bekendgemaakt dat private investeerders in 2016 8.300.000 euro hebben geïnvesteerd in het bedrijf. Deze financiële middelen komen bovenop de 20 miljoen euro die met eerdere investeringsronden zijn opgehaald. Het geld stelt CellProthera in staat zijn wetenschappelijke ontwikkeling voort te zetten, de eerste en tweede fase van een klinisch wetenschappelijk onderzoek in Europa af te ronden en de derde fase van zijn onderzoek in Europa en Noord-Amerika voor te bereiden.
CellProthera Raises 8.3 Million Euros |
MULHOUSE, France–(BUSINESS WIRE)– CellProthera, a biotech company which offers the most advanced cell therapy for regeneration of the damaged heart muscle after myocardial infarction, announces it has raised €8,300,000 from private investors in 2016. These funds, supplements the 20 million€ raised during the previous rounds, and will enable CellProthera to pursue its scientific development, complete its Phase I/IIb clinical trial in Europe and prepare its Phase III in Europe and North America. Carried out in three phases, 100% of the capital increase comes from family offices, some of them with a history of supporting CellProthera in previous rounds. The funds raised will be used for three main programs: 1. Completion of the current phase I/IIb clinical trials. The company is also preparing the phase III trial, which involves setting up new cell therapy centers in Europe, the United States and Canada. 2. Development of an industrial automate. This device is at the core of the treatment offered by CellProthera; from a simple blood test, it generates, on an industrial scale and by cellular multiplication, a graft of CD34 + stem cells “ProtheraCytes®” which is re-injected into the patient. 3. CellProthera aims also to establish a foothold in Asia and will start a clinical trial in Singapore in 2017. “With this new round, our investors have demonstrated their dedication and commitment to our project. The one million patients waiting for a therapy in Europe, the United States and Japan alone are grateful to them.“
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