Silatech wijzigt raad van trustees
DOHA, Qatar–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Hare hoogheid Sjeika Moza bint Nasser, voorzitster van de raad van trustees van Silatech, heeft veranderingen in de raad doorgevoerd. De nieuwe raad bestaat uit: sjeik Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al-Thani, minister van buitenlandse zaken in Qatar, sjeik Saud Bin Nassel Al Thani, ceo van Ooredoo, dr. Hessa Al Jaber uit Qatar, dr. Waleed Al-Wohaib, algemeen directeur van de Islamic Solidarity Fund for Development, Abdullah bin Abdullatif Al Fozan, bestuursvoorzitter van Bawan, Maha Al-Ghunaim, medeoprichtster, vicevoorzitser en ceo van Global, Karim Hajji, ceo van de beurs van Casablanca in Marokko, Amira Yahyaoui, oprichtster van Al Bawsala, Rafat Al Akhali, voormalig Jemenitisch minister van Jeugd en Sport en bestuursvoorzitter van Resonate Yemen en Sabah Al Haidoos, ceo van Silatech.
Silatech Reforms the Board of Trustees |
DOHA, Qatar–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Her Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser, the Chairperson of Silatech’s Board of Trustees, has issued a decision to reform the Board of Trustees of Silatech. The new board includes: H.E. Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al-Thani Minister of Foreign Affairs in Qatar, Sheikh Saud Bin Nasser Al Thani Group Chief Executive Officer of Ooredoo, Dr. Hessa Al Jaber from Qatar, Dr. Waleed Al-Wohaib Director General of the Islamic Solidarity Fund for Development (ISFD), Mr. Abdullah bin Abdullatif Al-Fozan Chairman of Bawan, Mrs. Maha Al-Ghunaim Co-Founder, Vice Chairman and Group Chief Executive Officer of Global, Mr. Karim Hajji Chief Executive Officer of the Casablanca Stock Exchange in Morocco, Mrs Amira Yahyaoui Founder of Al Bawsala, Mr. Rafat Al Akhali, Yemen’s former Minister of Youth and Sports and Co-Founder and Chairman of Resonate Yemen, in addition to Ms. Sabah Al Haidoos, Chief Executive Officer of Silatech. Silatech was launched by H.H. Sheikha Moza Bint Nasser in 2008 as a regional social organization that works to enable jobs and expand economic opportunities for young Arabs. The organization promotes large-scale job creation, entrepreneurship, access to capital and markets, and the participation and engagement of young people in economic and social development. About Silatech Silatech is a regional social organization that works to create jobs and expand economic opportunities for young Arabs. The organization promotes large-scale job creation, entrepreneurship, access to capital and markets, and the participation and engagement of young people in economic and social development. Since being founded in 2008, Silatech created or sustained over 282,000 jobs. Silatech currently has programs in 16 Arab countries, including Algeria, Egypt, Comoros, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia and Yemen. For more information, please visit *Source : ME NewsWire View source version on Contacts Silatech |