17:28 uur 12-12-2016

Codewise bereikt top 3 in Deloitte Technology Fast 500™ EMEA

LONDEN–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Codewise, de geheel met eigen geld gefinancierde durfinvesteerder, en zijn martech-platforms Voluum en Zeropark hebben de derde plek bereikt op de ranglijst Deloitte Technology Fast 500™ EMEA, waarin de vijfhonderd snelst groeiende bedrijven uit Europa, het Midden-Oosten en Afrika zijn opgenomen. De prijs volgt op een reeks onderscheidingen voor Codewise. Dit bedrijf rapporteerde in de afgelopen vier jaar een groei van 13.052 procent. In 2015 won Codewise de Deloitte Fast 50 Rising Star Award. In 2016 stond het bedrijf zowel in de Deloitte Technology Fast 50 als in de Big Five  Rankings van Centraal-Europa.

Deloitte huldigt sinds 1995 de snelst groeiende technologie-, media- en telecombedrijven ter wereld. De Technology Fast 500 strekt zich uit over twintig landen en omvat uiteenlopende technologische sectoren, waaronder software, hardware, communicatie en schone technologie.



Codewise Wins Third Place in Deloitte Technology Fast 500™ EMEA Ranking


LONDON–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Codewise, the entirely self-funded venture building company, and it’s martech platforms Voluum and Zeropark, has won third place in the Deloitte Technology Fast 500™ EMEA ranking, which was created to celebrate the effort and dedication of the 500 fastest growing companies in EMEA. The award follows a string of accolades for Codewise which reported a 13,052% growth rate over the past 4 years. In 2015, Codewise was awarded the Deloitte Fast 50 Rising Star Award and the winner of both the Deloitte Technology Fast 50 and Big Five rankings in Central Europe in 2016.

Since 1995, Deloitte has worked to celebrate the fastest growing technology, media, and telecommunications companies from across the globe. The Technology Fast 500 programme spans over 20 countries and includes a variety of technology sectors including software, hardware, communications and clean technology.

Codewise is a business that focuses on creating a collaborative environment that fosters creative solutions and growth, enabling it to build its flagship marketing technology platforms, Zeropark, the leading performance traffic exchange, and Voluum, which provides a powerful suite of campaign management and analytics products across mobile and desktop. It is also rare in the marketing technology sector, in that it’s entirely self-funded and profitable, with revenue in excess of $50m in 2016.

Magdalena Burnat-Mikosz, Deloitte Partner and Technology Fast 500™ Leader in Central Europe Region, commented after the awards “The success of Codewise is the best proof that dreams about a global company built in Central Europe can become a reality.”

“It’s an honor that the hard work that has gone into creating such positive growth – for the Codewise, Voluum and Zeropark brands – has been recognized by this award. It is a proud testament to our continued success and the scale of the company we are building to have been so highly ranked in such a prestigious award,” said Robert Gryn, CEO, Codewise. “My ongoing drive and ambition to build a global company out of Poland remains undiminished and this is still just the beginning.”

“Innovation is more than technological advancement; it’s also a state of mind,” said Paul Sallomi, Vice Chairman, Deloitte LLP and Global Technology, Media and Telecommunications Industry Leader. “The winners of the Deloitte Technology Fast 500 program in EMEA recognize that this new type of thinking is essential for business success. We look forward to your continued leadership in introducing new tools that can enhance the personal lives of consumers, and drive growth for companies worldwide.”

2016 has been a successful year for Codewise, with the company launching its UK-based subsidiary, Voluum, in April, which includes VoluumDSP, the next generation mobile advertising buying platform, built with a cutting-edge architecture, designed to address the needs of the contemporary brand and performance advertiser. The platform has taken an aggressive approach to tackling the growing threat of mobile ad fraud, with both the launch of its proprietary App Intelligence Graph and its partnership with anti-fraud solution, Pixalate. Further partnerships include location-targeting specialist, Factual, and Rich Media platform, Celtra.

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About the Deloitte 2016 Technology Fast 500 EMEA program

The Deloitte Technology Fast 500™ EMEA program is an objective industry ranking focused on the technology ecosystem. It recognizes technology companies that have achieved the fastest rates of revenue growth in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) during the past four years. The program is supported by the Deloitte Technology Fast 50 initiatives, which rank high-growth technology companies by location or specifically defined geographic area, and are run by the Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited’s Technology, Media & Telecommunications (TMT) global industry group. More information on the program and prior year winners is available at www.deloitte.com/fast500emea.

Now in its sixteenth year, the Deloitte Technology Fast 500 EMEA program in 2016 included over 20 countries, including Belgium, France, Finland, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Turkey and the UK. This year’s winners were selected based on percentage fiscal-year revenue growth from 2012 to 2015.

Central Europe in Deloitte`s definition covers countries as: Poland, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Russia, Lithuania, Slovenia, Latvia, Kosovo, Albania, Montenegro, Moldavia, Estonia but not all entered this edition (details are on the Polish site in infographics).

Please also include central Europe website as a first in line at the end of pr.: www.deloitte.com/ce/fast500

In 2016, Deloitte Technology Fast 500 EMEA companies achieved revenue growth ranging from 212 percent to 28,126 percent from 2012 to 2015, with median growth of 967 percent.

About Codewise

Codewise is a place where talent thrives. Since 2011 it has provided a collaborative environment that fosters creative solutions and growth, enabling it to build its flagship marketing technology platforms, Zeropark, the leading performance traffic exchange, and Voluum, which provides a powerful suite of campaign management and analytics products across mobile and desktop. Codewise is an entirely self-funded, venture-building company, headquartered in a new 3,000 sqm office in Krakow, Poland, with a second office in London, England. The company employs 100+ talented individuals from six different countries and supports customers in over 190 countries worldwide. www.codewise.com

About Voluum

Voluum is a marketing and advertising technology company that provides a suite of campaign management and analytics products across mobile and desktop. This includes the VoluumTRK, the trusted leader in cross-screen performance tracking, and VoluumDSP, a next-generation mobile display platform. Voluum offers brand advertisers powerful anti-fraud filtering, whitelisting tools and best-of-breed partner integrations for location targeting. Its advanced set of optimisation tools enable performance advertisers to quickly gain real-world insights, track and update every detail of their campaign from one centralized console, accessible via desktop or mobile app. Powered by a powerful proprietary database, since September 2014 Voluum has served SaaS customers in over 190 countries worldwide. Voluum is a Codewise marketing platform. www.voluum.com

About Deloitte

As used in this document, “Deloitte” refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private company limited by guarantee (“DTTL”), its network of member firms, and their related entities. DTTL and each of its member firms are legally separate and independent entities. DTTL (also referred to as “Deloitte Global”) does not provide services to clients. Please see www.deloitte.com/about to learn more about our global network of member firms.


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