13:01 uur 11-11-2016

BOARD International opent gedeelde hoofdkantoren in Boston en Chiasso

BOSTON, Massachusetts en CHIASSO, Zwitserland–(BUSINESS WIRE)– BOARD International, wereldwijd toonaangevend in beleidssoftware voor bedrijven, heeft vandaag zijn gedeelde hoofdkantoren in Boston (Massachusetts) en Chiasso (Zwitserland) gepresenteerd. Daarmee onderstreept het bedrijf zijn strategische focus op de Amerikaanse markt voor software voor business intelligence,analyse-instrumenten en prestatiemanagement.

“2016 was een jaar van geweldige groei voor BOARD, zowel in Europa als in de Verenigde Staten. Onze strategie bestaat er nu uit onze Amerikaanse inkomsten te verhogen, tot 50 procent van al onze inkomsten uit zakelijke diensten in 2019”, zei ceo van BOARD Giovanni Grossi bij de opening van het kantoor in Boston. “Ons hoofdkantoor in Boston benadrukt deze toewijding aan groei in Verenigde Staten. Met adequate ruimte, werknemers en financiering faciliteren we snelle groei en een groter klantenbestand.”


BOARD International Announces Co-located Headquarters in Boston, MA and Chiasso, Switzerland

BOSTON, MA and CHIASSO, SWITZERLAND–(BUSINESS WIRE)– BOARD International, the world’s leading supplier of Decision Making software for enterprises, today announced co-located headquarters in Boston, MA and Chiasso, Switzerland to underscore its strategic focus on the US market for Business Intelligence, Analytics and Performance Management software.

This Smart News Release features multimedia. View the full release here: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20161107006113/en/

BOARD International Announces Co-located Headquarters in Boston, MA and Chiasso, SwitzerlandBOARD International Announces Co-located Headquarters in Boston, MA and Chiasso, Switzerland

“The year 2016 has seen tremendous growth for BOARD both in Europe and the US, and our strategic plans call for elevating our US revenues to at least 50% of corporate revenues by 2019,” said BOARD CEO, Giovanni Grossi, at an inauguration ceremony in the Boston offices. “A Boston headquarters underscores our strategic commitment to that US growth with adequate space, staffing and funding to accommodate our rapid growth and expanded enterprise customer base.”

In the past year, BOARD has signed and deployed its combined BI and Corporate Performance Management software platform at such leading North American companies as Volkswagen, Eversource, Advanced Micro Devices, Cheesecake Factory, Harry & David, BioMarin Pharmaceuticals and Zales Jewelers. BOARD International also has US offices in Austin, Texas, as well as in 14 other countries worldwide.

“BOARD’s adoption by so many multi-billion dollar enterprises in the US has been another reason to co-locate our headquarters here in Boston. We’re committed to fully supporting our broad range of existing customers with capacity for continued rapid growth over the next decade and beyond, particularly in the US,” said Scott Jennings, General Manager of BOARD Americas.

The company’s rapid growth, which is on a run-rate to exceed 100 percent at the end of this year, has been fueled largely by an increasing recognition of the value corporations gain from a unified enterprise-wide software platform, either in the Cloud or on premise, for planning, forecasting and business intelligence analytics in support of corporate decision making at all levels.

About BOARD International

BOARD is the #1 decision-making platform for organizations of any size. Founded in 1994, BOARD International has enabled more than 3,500 companies worldwide to rapidly deploy Business Intelligence, Corporate Performance Management and Analytics applications on a single unified and programming-free platform.


BOARD International
Giulia Biondi
Marketing Manager

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