haalt meer dan 1 miljoen euro op en benoemt Charles Petruccelli tot lid adviesraad
PARIJS–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Na zijn consolidatie op de zakenreismarkt en toegezegde steun van investeerders, maakt het platform voor kortetermijnverhuur bekend meer dan 1 miljoen euro te hebben opgehaald. Charles Petruccelli, voormalig topman van de internationale reisdivisie van American Express, is toegetreden tot de adviesraad van de start-up.
Drie jaar na zijn oprichting richt het platform MagicStay zijn pijlen op versnelde ontwikkeling met financiële steun van nieuwe private investeerders. Als enige exclusief op korte zakenreizen gerichte website biedt MagicStay meer dan 50.000 huurverblijven aan. Dit aantal is eind dit jaar uitgebreid tot 100.000 appartementen. Het platform onderscheidt zich met diensten voor bedrijven en zakenreizigers, zoals de app e-conciergerie, de Travel Manager Tool, een kaart voor vaste klanten en Trustay®. Raises More Than 1 Million Euros Through Intermediaries and Announces the Appointment of Charles Petruccelli to its Advisory Board |
PARIS–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Having consolidated its position on the business travel market and confirmed the backing of investors, the short-term apartment rental platform announces that more than 1 million euros has been raised through intermediaries. Charles Petruccelli, the former world-wide president of the travel division at American Express Company has joined the Advisory Board of the start-up. Three years since its launch, the MagicStay platform aims to fast-track its development with the backing of new private investors. As the only website exclusively dedicated to short-term business travel, MagicStay offers more than 50,000 selected rentals and will reach 100,000 apartments by the end of the year. The platform stands out due to its numerous services designed for businesses and travelers, such as the e-conciergerie app, the Travel Manager Tool, the loyalty card and, most notably, the Trustay® approach. To strengthen its presence among businesses and travel agencies, MagicStay is supported by an Advisory Board of shareholders who are renowned in the business tourism sector. Alongside Charles Petruccelli, Peter Hazelzet, former CEO of Exposium and Benoît Bassi, President of Bridgepoint in France, will lend their support to the fast-track development of the start-up. “The 100% b2b approach of MagicStay appealed to me because it meets the specific requirements of the business travel market. Through the Trustay® approach and the optimization tools for business policy, reflects the challenges that businesses encounter, such as competitive pricing and traveler safety. Moreover, the choice of apartments and the conciergerie service safeguard the well-being of the traveler.” states Charles Petruccelli, before adding “Without a doubt, this type of accommodation will experience significant growth among businesses over the coming years.” Widely regarded as an expert in business travel, Charles Petruccelli was president of the travel division at the American Express Company for ten years. At present, as the president of CJP Consulting (a strategic consultancy firm) he focuses on and invests in promising fledgling start-ups such as MagicStay. The original source-language text of this announcement is the official, authoritative version. Translations are provided as an accommodation only, and should be cross-referenced with the source-language text, which is the only version of the text intended to have legal effect. View source version on Contacts Press contact: |