ASI DATAMYTE naar Wind Energy Denmark in Odense
PLYMOUTH, Minnesota–(BUSINESS WIRE)– ASI DATAMYTE, Inc., de internationale standaard in zakelijke kwaliteitsmanagementsystemen, heeft vandaag aangekondigd aanwezig te zijn op de expo WIND ENERGY DENMARK in Odense. Dit is het belangrijkste evenement voor de windenergiesector in Denemarken.
Het evenement is uniek, omdat het niet alleen de gehele windenergiebranche en wetenschappelijke gemeenschap bijeenbrengt, maar ook de onderdelen onshore en offshore; de gehele distributieketen komt samen. Een aantal keynote-sprekers uit de sector geeft zijn of haar visie over actuele uitdagingen en het doorvoeren van veranderingen in de huidige en toekomstige windenergie-industrie. Bovendien verzorgen de directies van Vestas, Siemens en Vattenfall presentaties over cruciale onderwerpen.
ASI DATAMYTE at Wind Energy Denmark in Odense |
PLYMOUTH, Minn.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– ASI DATAMYTE, Inc., the global standard in enterprise quality management solutions, today announced that it will exhibit at the WIND ENERGY DENMARK in Odense. It is the most important event for the wind energy industry in Denmark. The event is unique as it combines not only the entire wind industry and research community under one roof but also onshore and offshore – the entire supply chain is brought together. A number of the industry keynote speakers will share their thoughts and insights on the current challenges they are facing and how you can drive change in the wind energy industry today and in the future. In addition, the top management of Vestas, Siemens and Vatternfall will also present on key topics. “To expand our market position in Denmark, we decided to exhibit at this year’s WIND ENERGY DENMARK event.” said Sven Tetzlaff, General Manager of ASI DATAMYTE GmbH. “Furthermore, the market of renewable energy has become even more important to us in the last couple of years, so we want to expand in this area as well.” About ASI DATAMYTE ASI DATAMYTE Inc. provides integrated software, hardware and services for driving best-in-class quality in manufacturing. Refining its solutions for more than 40 years, ASI DATAMYTE is serving the largest, most prestigious manufacturers with localized solutions on a global basis. ASI DATAMYTE is headquartered in Plymouth, MN, with offices and support centers in more than 40 countries. View source version on Contacts ASI DATAMYTE Inc. |