17:13 uur 10-10-2016

Cheetah Mobile: lancering WhatsCall luidt einde belkosten in

LONDEN–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Bel iedereen, waar ook ter wereld mobiel of via vaste telefoon en maak iemand blij met WhatsCall, een revolutionaire nieuwe app die definitief een einde maakt aan belkosten.

Traditionele berichten-apps en andere communicatiemiddelen via internet zijn afhankelijk van dataverbindingen bij beide partijen en ingeschakelde smartphonemeldingen. Voor de ontvanger van WhatsCall is het niet noodzakelijk een dataverbinding, zelfde app of live-meldingen te hebben.

Bellers verdienen gratis belminuten als ze iedere dag inloggen, reclame kijken, vrienden uitnodigen of dagelijks een opdracht vervullen.



Cheetah Mobile: Launch of WhatsCall Signals the End for Telephone Call Charges


LONDON–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Call any mobile or landline for free in any country in the world, and make someone happy with WhatsCall, a revolutionary new app that says goodbye to telephone call charges forever.

Traditional messaging apps, and other tools that enable us to talk via the internet, rely on data connections from both parties and smartphone notifications being switched on. WhatsCall doesn’t require a recipient to have a data connection, the same app, or live notifications.

Callers earn free call credits if they log-in everyday, watch advertising, invite friends or take part in daily tasks.

The recipient receives a call through their phone network just like a regular voice call, so there’s no need for them to download the app or to have a data connection.

Three quarters ( 73%) of the world’s’ population has a mobile phone, but nearly a third ( 31%) are without a 3G or LTE connection so cannot use data for calls or messaging.

Furthermore, nearly three quarters ( 71%) of the world’s population in rural areas are without a mobile data connection.

A user simply downloads the app – for free – from Google Play or the Apple App Store, registers, and is instantly ready to connect and earn as much talk time as they need.

WhatsCall is the brainchild of Cheetah Mobile, the world leader in utility and mobile security app development.

David Wu, VP of global app marketing at Cheetah Mobile, comments: “The cost of calling overseas landlines and mobiles is prohibitively high for many people. WhatsCall is free if users engage with brands and collect call credits. Cheetah Mobile is proud to unveil WhatsCall, which will change how people communicate with each other across the world.”

WhatsCall is powered by advanced voice coding and decoding technology for crisp phone calls. When a caller contacts another WhatsCall user the app utlises credit free VoIP technology. When a WhatsCall user calls a mobile or landline, it uses a voice service provided by telecom operators which requires credits.

WhatsCall for Android comes complete with a Caller ID function thanks to CM Security, one of the world’s top smartphone security apps. The feature enables users to scan, identify and block any incoming fraud or harassment calls.


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