Onderzoek gezocht: Louis Bonduelle Foundation steunt tien jaar onderzoek met beurs
VILLENEUVE D’ASCQ, Frankrijk–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Onderzoek is van cruciaal belang voor diepgaander begrip van voeding en eetgewoonten. Daarom is steun voor onderzoek een diepgeworteld onderdeel van de missie van de Louis Bonduelle Foundation.
In de afgelopen tien jaar is de Louis Bonduelle Foundation jaarlijks op zoek gegaan naar onderzoeksprojecten op gebied van voeding, landbouwkunde of voedsel in de bredere zin van het woord.
10.000 euro voor de winnaar
Tijdens de Louis Bonduelle Foundation Encounters in juni 2016 ontving Tina VENEMA, een Nederlandse promovenda van de Universiteit Utrecht, de prijs uit handen van Christophe Bonduelle, voorzitter van de stichting, en Laurence Depezay, voedingsdeskundige en lid van het bestuur.
Call for Applications: For 10 Years Now, the Louis Bonduelle Foundation Has Been Providing Support for Research by Offering Financial Help to Research Students |
VILLENEUVE D’ASCQ, France–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Deeply rooted in the Foundation’s mission since its creation, support for research is critical to deepen the understanding of nutrition and eating behaviours. This Smart News Release features multimedia. View the full release here: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20160923005216/en/ ![]() Every single year, for the past 10 years, the Louis Bonduelle Foundation has been calling for candidatures among students whose research projects focus on nutrition, agronomy or food in its broader meaning. 10,000 euros for the Award winner In June 2016, during the Louis Bonduelle Foundation Encounters, Tina VENEMA, a Dutch student from the University of Utrecht, received from Christophe Bonduelle, Chairman of the Foundation and Laurence Depezay, nutritionist and member of the Foundation Board, the Award. Practical information: To submit a project, you must:
Deadline for registration is Monday the 7th of November 2016 The Award winner will be revealed during the Foundation’s annual conference in June 2017. Download the registration form: http://bit.ly/2chbT30 For further details: http://www.fondation-louisbonduelle.org video on 10 years of research:http://bit.ly/2ca465Q THE LOUIS BONDUELLE FOUNDATION European Public Authorities have made of nutrition one of their health priorities, notably through various national programmes. The Louis Bonduelle Foundation has long been subscribing to this trend by placing vegetables and their nutritional benefits at the very heart of its activity. By seeing vegetables and their daily consumption under a new light, the Foundation invites us to opt for better eating habits and gives us all the necessary resources to do it. An initiative aiming at combining health, quality of life and pleasure for years to come. The Louis Bonduelle Foundation, whose objective is to promote public interest for vegetables by sustainably influencing eating behaviours, reiterates its commitment to promote research on major nutritional themes and eating behaviours. Hence, the Foundation’s real desire to actively participate to the advances in nutrition and to contribute to their dissemination. View source version on businesswire.com: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20160923005216/en/ Contacts Press Contact |