Displaydata benoemt Piet Coelewij tot niet-uitvoerende bestuurder
BRACKNELL, Verenigd Koninkrijk-(BUSINESS WIRE)– Displaydata kondigt met blijdschap aan dat Piet Coelwij is benoemd tot niet-uitvoerende bestuurder. Piet heeft een uitgebreid cv vol succesvolle posities aan het roer van groeibedrijven in innovatieve en ontwrichtende branches.
Piet is ceo van RFS Holland Holding in Nederland, dat onder meer eigenaar is van wehkamp, een grote Nederlandse onlinewinkel voor mode en lifestyle. Piet is ook een onafhankelijke, niet-uitvoerende bestuurder van BCA marketplace plc. Voorheen was hij leidinggevende bij Sonos, Amazon.com en Phillips Consumer Electronics.
Displaydata Appoints Piet Coelewij to its Board as Non-Executive Director |
BRACKNELL, United Kingdom–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Displaydata is pleased to announce the appointment of Piet Coelewij to its Board as Non-Executive Director. Piet has an extensive and proven track record of leading growth businesses in innovative and disruptive business environments. Piet is CEO of RFS Holland Holding in The Netherlands, which owns and operates amongst others wehkamp, the leading Dutch on-line fashion and lifestyle retailer. Piet is also an independent Non-Executive Director of BCA marketplace plc. Previously, he has held senior positions at Sonos, Amazon.com and Phillips Consumer Electronics. “It gives me great pleasure to welcome Piet to the Board of Directors. His insight into the methods and mechanics of internet retailing, a channel that is changing the retail landscape for brick-and-mortar retailers, will be invaluable to our company,” said Howard Ford, Chairman, Displaydata. “I’m delighted to welcome Piet to the Board of Displaydata and look forward to benefiting from his insight and experience,” said Andrew Dark, CEO, Displaydata. About Displaydata Displaydata is the leader in the design and supply of fully graphic electronic shelf labels (ESLs). We were first to market with three colour ESLs and continue to lead this category having shipped millions of labels. We work in close partnership with many of the world’s largest retail brands and have operations in the US, Europe, LATAM and Asia. We help retailers optimise revenues and margins by improving the customer experience at the shelf-edge, where most purchasing decisions are made. Displaydata’s ESLs, with the option of integrated Bluetooth Low Energy beacons, enable retailers to control and drive in-store pricing and promotions with speed, agility and consistency. Fully graphic and available in three colours, the ESLs can display product, price, promotion, stock levels, social reviews, currency details and much more. Displaydata’s ESLs are part of an architecture designed in partnership with retailers to be enterprise ready. The trusted platform is simple to install and needs the least amount of in-store hardware of any vendor. The wireless network is secure and the robust software enables the centralised management of any number of ESLs, across any number of stores. For more information, please visit: www.displaydata.com View source version on businesswire.com: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20160920005207/en/ Contacts Displaydata |