Keio Plaza Hotel Tokyo organiseert “Sports News Photograph Exhibition”
TOKYO–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Keio Plaza Hotel Tokyo (KPH), een van de meest prestigieuze internationale hotels in Shinjuku in Tokyo, organiseert van 1 september tot 14 november een sportfotografie-expositie met de titel “Athletes Competing in the Global Arena – Sports News Photograph Exhibition 2016”. Het hotel organiseert de tentoonstelling in samenwerking met de The Mainichi Newspapers Co., Ltd. en The Sports Nippon Newspapers Co., Ltd. De gratis expositie in de lobbyruimtes van ons hotel toont circa 50 journalistieke foto’s van sporters die deelnemen aan internationale sportevenementen. Naast de fototentoonstelling richt het hotel een speciale ruimte in ter nagedachtenis aan de in juni overleden Muhammad Ali, een van ‘s werelds beroemdste professionele boksers. Hier hangen onder meer foto’s van zijn bezoek aan Japan voor een gevecht tegen de beroemde Japanse worstelaar Antonio Inoki in 1976.
Muhammad Ali treft Antonio Inoki op diens linker wang gedurende hun gevecht in juni 1976 (Bron: Sports Nippon Newspapers)
Keio Plaza Hotel Tokyo Holds “Sports News Photograph Exhibition” |
TOKYO–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Keio Plaza Hotel Tokyo (KPH), one of Japan’s most prestigious international hotels located in Shinjuku, Tokyo, will jointly host a photographic exhibition celebrating sports entitled “Athletes Competing in the Global Arena – Sports News Photograph Exhibition 2016” with The Mainichi Newspapers Co., Ltd. and The Sports Nippon Newspapers Co., Ltd. from September 1 st to November 14 th, 2016. This complimentary exhibition will display about 50 photographs taken by news photographers depicting athletes competing in various global sporting events in the lobby areas of our hotel. In addition to this photographic exhibition, a special section will be created in memory of Muhammad Ali, one of the world’s most famous professional boxers who passed away in June, to display various photographs including scenes from his visit to Japan to fight Antonio Inoki, one of Japan’s most famous professional wrestlers, in 1976. This Smart News Release features multimedia. View the full release here: ![]() Muhammad Ali was our guest staying in our Imperial Suite Room at Keio Plaza Hotel Tokyo for a total of 12 nights when he visited Japan in 1976 to fight Antonio Inoki in a special fighting event. Totally befitting his status as one of the world’s top sports athletes and celebrities, Muhammad Ali was a gentleman throughout his stay with us. He also provided glimpses of his personal side when he played some of his favorite songs on our grand piano, went jogging in the early morning hours, and enjoyed a meal of chateaubriand steak for breakfast at one of our restaurants. We will introduce a special display created in memory of The Greatest, and a walk around the lobby will take you back to those priceless moments when the historic fight took place. This exhibition has been held for three consecutive years to help celebrate the achievements of athletes from around the world, captured graphically in dramatic pictures taken by professional news photographers to convey the attractiveness of sports. About the Keio Plaza Hotel Keio Plaza Hotel Tokyo (KPH), located in Shinjuku at the very heart of the nation’s capital Tokyo, is one of Japan’s leading international hotels. For more information about our facilities and services, please visit our website, YouTube, Facebook or Instagram. View source version on Contacts Keio Plaza Hotel Tokyo |