19:15 uur 09-08-2016

23e World Energy Congress opgezet om vorm te geven aan toekomstige energielandschap wereldwijd

ISTANBUL–(BUSINESS WIRE)—Momentum werkt naar het 23e World Engergy Congress toe, dat tussen 9 en 13 oktober, dus over twee maanden, in Istanbul plaatsvindt. Ministers van regeringen van bijna vijftig landen behoren tot de 261 invloedrijke seniorleiders die bevestigd hebben op het evenement te komen spreken.

Het 23e Energy Congress zal een belangrijk moment zijn voor de vormgeving van het toekomstige energielandschap in de wereld in een tijd dat de industrie in een cruciale overgang zit. Het congres is opgezet als de meest invloedrijke en veelomvattende bijeenkomst van seniorenleiders vanuit alle segmenten van de energiegemeenschap.

Een rij aan deelnemers vanuit het hele energiespectrum hebben zich aangemeld, inclusief internationale exposanten als Saudi Aramco, Sonatrach, ITER, Engie and Qatar Petroleum. Tot de sprekers uit de branche behoren Rachel Kyte, van de global Sustainable Energy for All initiative, Bob Dudley, BP CEO, Alexey Miller, Gazprom voorzitter van de Management Board en Steve Bolze, GE Senior Vice President and CEO, Power and Water. EDF is vorige week bevestigd als de nieuwe sponsor van het evenement.


23rd World Energy Congress Set to Shape Future Global Energy Landscape


ISTANBUL–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Momentum is building towards the 23 rd World Energy Congress, due to take place in Istanbul between 9 th and 13 th October, just two months away. Government ministers from almost 50 countries are among the 261 influential senior leaders confirmed to speak at the event.

The 23 rd Energy Congress will be a critical juncture in shaping the future of the global energy landscape at a time when the industry is at a crucial transition. The Congress is established as the most influential and inclusive gathering of senior leaders from all segments of the energy community.

The range of players signed up from across the energy spectrum include international exhibitors such as Saudi Aramco, Sonatrach, ITER, Engie and Qatar Petroleum, while industry speakers include Rachel Kyte, from the global Sustainable Energy for All initiative, Bob Dudley, BP CEO, Alexey Miller, Gazprom Chairman of the Management Board and Steve Bolze, GE Senior Vice President and CEO, Power and Water. EDF was confirmed last week as the latest silver sponsor of the event.

CNN is also confirmed as the event’s international broadcast partner, while Turkish official wire Anadolu Agency will be the global communication partner of this significant event. CNBC had already signed up as the international business media partner.

The four-day programme leads delegates through the critical issues facing the energy industry under the theme “Embracing New Frontiers”:

  • Monday 10th October – Vision and scenarios for the future of the global energy system, an exploration of the most dynamic areas and game-changers shaping the energy of tomorrow.
  • Tuesday 11th October – Business and resource management opportunities, ways to respond to the new challenges of adaptation and innovation to ensure a secure and reliable energy system.
  • Wednesday 12th October – Policy solutions to secure prosperity and address the necessary institutional change to balance the World Energy Trilemma.
  • Thursday 13th October – Africa: Securing a sustainable energy future, exploring the critical drivers and innovations to secure a sustainable energy future for the region.

Hasan Murat Mercan, President of the Turkish Member Committee, World Energy Council commented: “The Congress is an excellent platform for all companies and organisations in the energy sector to come together, network, share ideas and collaborate on the future challenges and opportunities.

“Turkey is positioned at the crossroads of the most important energy markets at a time of profound global change, which makes it a good base for the event. Preparations for the Congress are progressing well and all necessary precautions are being taken to ensure that it runs smoothly and securely.”

Register as a delegate via: https://secure.eventmagix.com/2016_wec_media/ to hear from world energy leaders – from industry, governments and international organisations as well as the media, universities and energy industry associations.



The triennial World Energy Congress is the World Energy Council’s global flagship event, is the premier international, multi-energy forum for participants to better understand energy issues and solutions from a global perspective.

The World Energy Congress has gained recognition since the first event in 1923 as the premier global forum for leaders and thinkers to debate solutions to energy issues. In addition to the discussions, the event provides an opportunity for executives to display their technologies and explore business opportunities.

For more information about the World Energy Congress 2016 and to register, visit: http://www.wec2016istanbul.org.tr/

Follow the Congress at @WECongress for regular updates.


Grayling for World Energy Congress
Roisin Miller

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