Panasonic zoekt spelers die naast Neymar Jr. willen schitteren in speciale film
OSAKA, Japan–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Panasonic heeft het project NEYMAR JR. CRAZY SKILLS gelanceerd, met als doel kinderen “die net zo goed als Neymar Jr. willen worden” te helpen met Panasonic-technologie. In het najaar van 2015 werd de “360° OBSERVATION CAM” gelanceerd op de website ( Dit gaf bood mensen de kans de gekmakende trucs van Neymar Jr. vanuit iedere mogelijke hoek te bekijken via smartphone en PC, inclusief vertraagde beelden en close-ups van de benen van de sporter. De introductie van de NEYMAR JR.’s CRAZY SKILLS AWARD bestond onder meer uit een dag waarop Neymar Jr. video’s van deelnemers uit de hele wereld vertoonde. In de filmpjes is te zien hoe de deelnemers hun best doen om de bizarre trucs van de beroemde voetballers te imiteren.
Inmiddels is een jaar verstreken sinds het begin van “NEYMAR JR. CRAZY SKILLS”, dat culmineert in de productie van deze speciale film. Neymar Jr. is daarin te zien naast degenen die in de video een gooi deden naar de “NEYMAR JR.’s CRAZY SKILLS AWARD”, om zo iedereen die “CRAZY SKILLS” wil een steuntje in de rug te geven.
Panasonic Searching for Players to Appear with Neymar Jr. in a Special Movie Slated for Production
OSAKA, Japan–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Panasonic launched the “NEYMAR JR. CRAZY SKILLS” project with the intention of using Panasonic technology to support children the world over who “want to be as good at football as Neymar Jr.” At the end of 2015, “360° OBSERVATION CAM” which enables people to view crazy skills of Neymar Jr. from angles across 360 degrees on smartphones and PCs, that can also be enjoyed in slow motion and with a close-up view of the legs of the footballer, was launched on the website ( The launch of “NEYMAR JR.’s CRAZY SKILLS AWARD” has entailed the screening by Neymar Jr. of videos submitted by applicants the world over who have tried their hand at emulating the crazy skills of the renowned footballer.
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One year has passed since we began activities for the “NEYMAR JR. CRAZY SKILLS” project and as a culmination to this a special movie has been slated for production. Neymar Jr. appears along with the “NEYMAR JR.’s CRAZY SKILLS AWARD” applicants in the video to send out thoughts to the people in the world whose goal is to obtain “CRAZY SKILLS”.
All who post will have the opportunity to be selected to appear with Neymar Jr.!
The search is on worldwide for players with “CRAZY SKILLS”!
A worldwide search will begin for those who wish to appear in this special movie with Neymar Jr. For those who wish to co-star in the movie, simply film a movie of the applicant performing the crazy skills that have been featured in “NEYMAR JR. CRAZY SKILLS” and upload the video to Twitter with the hashtag #CrazySkillsAward, which could lead to the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity of appearing alongside of Neymar Jr. There are no qualifications necessary for eligibility and applicants can submit multiple “crazy skills” videos.
Title: Panasonic x Neymar Jr. Project 2016 “CRAZY SKILLS MOVIE” (tentative)
Application period: Monday, July 11, 2016 to Thursday, November 3, 2016 (scheduled)
How to participate:
Make a video of yourself emulating the skills featured at “NEYMAR JR. CRAZY SKILLS” and upload it to Twitter with the hashtag #CrazySkillsAward (Multiple entries are accepted)
Announcement method:
To be announced along with the video scheduled for public release in December.
* Please see the “NEYMAR JR. CRAZY SKILLS” website for details.
* Those who have previously submitted videos for “NEYMAR JR.’s CRAZY SKILLS AWARD” screening will be considered eligible, and have the opportunity to be selected for appearance in the movie.
The “NEYMAR JR.’s CRAZY SKILLS AWARD” winners have been announced for January through March!
Neymar Jr. has done the selecting and provided commentary!
From a worldwide field of applicants who emulated the crazy skills of Neymar Jr., the four winners of the “NEYMAR JR.’s CRAZY SKILLS AWARD” for the months of January through March were announced on Wednesday, May 11, 2016. The winners successfully performed numerous skills that exceeded the examples provided by Neymar himself. The videos of the winners are featured at “NEYMAR JR. CRAZY SKILLS” ( and the Facebook and Twitter accounts of Neymar Jr. along with words of lavish praise and encouragement from the football star.
“Craziest” Winners during January through March
(@Twitter account: Comments from Neymar Jr.)
January “Craziest”
@kata_nemeth1: Well done, I’m sure you practiced a lot!
@chricke14: Practice hard and use it during the match!
February “Craziest”
@SDWTOYAMA: Good ball control, nice spirit!
March “Craziest”
@Cebrian_dj: Great turn!
Scenes of screening for “NEYMAR JR.’s CRAZY SKILLS AWARD” winners
Scenes of Neymar Jr. watching the submitted clips are available for viewing!
On the “NEYMAR JR.’s CRAZY SKILLS AWARD” website, scenes of Neymar Jr. checking “Crazy Skills” videos submitted from all over the world are available for viewing. You can hear him rooting for the performers with comments such as “Just missed being perfect!” and “Oh man, this is incredible!” As he focuses intensely on the submitted video clips, he indicates surprise at how skillful the applicants are. Viewers can also appreciate how high Neymar Jr. sets the bar, giving advice such as “The important thing is daily practice. If you don’t get this down in daily practice, you won’t be able to pull it off in games.” After screening the videos, he gets together with friends and a soccer ball in order to have fun demonstrating the “crazy skills,” a valuable glimpse of the footballer off the pitch.
Crazy Skills Award being reviewed by Neymar Jr.!
[Related Links]
Panasonic Neymar Jr. Official Web
Let Neymar Jr. Cheer You on in the Panasonic DREAM “FITA” PROJECT! (Jun 03, 2016)
Panasonic Neymar Jr. Facebook Page @PanasonicNeymarJr
Panasonic Neymar Jr. YouTube Channel
Neymar Jr. Official Web
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