13:19 uur 16-06-2016

Herontdekking van wetenschap: wetenschappelijke methode krijgt een facelift

SAN DIEGO–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Scientist is een online marktplaats die onderzoekers in staat stelt hun wetenschappelijke ideeën om te zetten in experimentele resultaten, zonder ook maar één stap in een laboratorium te zetten. Dankzij commoditisering en modularisering van onderzoeksdiensten, verkort Scientist de onderzoeks- en ontwikkelingscylus drastisch, waardoor de onderzoekskosten substantieel dalen.

Scientist is de katalysator van de volgende stop in de transformatie van de biljoenenindustrie die farmacie is”, zei Kevin Lustig, ceo en oprichter van Scientist. “Transparantie en innovatie zijn de hoeksteen van een omslag in gevestigde sectoren. Door de drempel voor samenwerking te verlagen, prijsvergelijkingen te vereenvoudigen en toegang te verschaffen tot baanbrekend gereedschap vervult Scientist een pioniersrol voor een slankere, efficiëntere benadering van medicijnonderzoek.”




Science Re-Invented: The Scientific Method Gets a Facelift


SAN DIEGO–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Scientist is an online marketplace ( http://www.scientist.com) that enables researchers to translate their scientific ideas into experimental results without ever setting foot in a laboratory. Through commoditization and modularization of research services, Scientist dramatically shortens the R&D cycle and substantially reduces scientific research costs.

Scientist is catalyzing the next step in the transformation of the trillion-dollar pharmaceutical industry,” stated Kevin Lustig, Scientist’s CEO and Founder. “Transparency and innovation are cornerstones of the disruption of any established industry. By lowering barriers to research collaboration, simplifying price comparisons and providing access to cutting-edge tools,Scientist is pioneering a leaner, more efficient approach to drug research.”

In addition to a universal legal agreement that enables on-demand purchasing, the marketplace features a 24-hour Research Concierge™ that helps researchers find new technologies, select the most qualified suppliers and connect with technical experts. Scientist has multi-year partnerships with 10 of the world’s largest research companies and a fast-growing industry-leading network of 1,300+ suppliers and academic core facilities.

“It’s no longer necessary to build enormous laboratories, purchase millions of dollars of equipment and hire thousands of researchers to discover a new drug,” commented Chris Petersen, Scientist’s CIO and Founder. “ Scientist allows researchers to Outsource Everything But the Genius™. By simplifying and automating legal and administrative tasks that previously took weeks or months, Scientist shortens the research cycle and makes it easier and cheaper to develop innovative medicines.”

About Scientist

Scientist (formerly Assay Depot) is the world’s largest online research marketplace. The marketplace simplifies research outsourcing, saves time and money and provides access to innovative technologies while maintaining full compliance with internal procurement policies. Scientist’s clients include large and small pharmaceutical companies, crop science companies, government institutes, biotechnology companies, academic researchers and citizen scientists. Visit http://www.scientist.com to learn more.

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Kevin Lustig, 858-243-2227

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