13:32 uur 28-04-2016

SailPoint Identity+ Alliance verdubbelt en verbreedt bereik van beveiligingssystemen voor bewuste onderneming

AUSTIN, Texas–(BUSINESS WIRE)– SailPoint, leider in gebruikers- en toegangsbeheer (IAM), heeft vandaag aangekondigd dat negen nieuwe partners zijn toegetreden tot de SailPoint Identity+ Alliance: Covertix, Heimore, Exabeam, LogRhythm, Osirium, PlainID, SecureAuth, Thycotic en Wallix. Met deze aanwinsten is de in december 2015 opgerichte  Identity+ Alliance van SailPoint verdubbeld. Het alliantieprogramma voorziet in standaarden en hulpmiddelen die de integratie van beveiligingsproducten in IT vereenvoudigen, door middel van het IAM-platform IdentityIQ. Partners zijn hierdoor bewuster van gebruikersidentiteit, dus effectiever bij het indammen van risico’s op datalekken. De uitbreiding van SailPoints groep partners helpt het bedrijf bij de versnelde verwezenlijking van een nuttig platform voor de identiteitsbewuste onderneming.



SailPoint Identity+ Alliance Doubles in Partner Memberships; Broadens Scope of Security Solutions to Create the ‘Identity-Aware’ Enterprise

AUSTIN, Texas–(BUSINESS WIRE)– SailPoint, the leader in identity and access management (IAM), today announced the addition of nine new partners to the SailPoint Identity+ Alliance:Covertix, Heimore, Exabeam, LogRhythm, Osirium, PlainID, SecureAuth, Thycotic and Wallix. With these additions, SailPoint has doubled the number of partners in the Identity+ Alliance, which debuted in December 2015. The Identity+ Alliance program provides standards and tools to ease the integration of IT and security products with SailPoint’s industry-leading IAM platform IdentityIQ™, making them more “identity-aware” and thereby more effective at reducing data breach risks. This expansion in SailPoint’s technology partnership ecosystem is helping to accelerate the company’s commitment to providing a true platform for the identity-aware enterprise.

These additional partners broaden the technology categories in the Identity+ Alliance ecosystem, which now include: adaptive authentication, data management, enterprise digital rights management (EDRM), enterprise mobility management (EMM), privileged account management (PAM), security information and event management (SIEM), and user behavior analytics (UBA). Given the broadened types of technology partners involved in the alliance today, the identity context provided by IdentityIQ can, for example, be leveraged by SIEM and UBA solutions to prioritize alerts involving users with extensive access. These same users might warrant “stepped up” controls in adaptive authorization and EDRM solutions as an active response to identity policy violations or excess access risks signalled by IdentityIQ.

“The Identity+ Alliance is an important part of SailPoint’s strategy of putting identity at the core of IT and security for our customers,” said Joe Gottlieb, senior vice president of corporate development at SailPoint. “Evolving into an ‘identity-aware enterprise’ means customers can better minimize data breaches through more granular policy and controls based on identity context. They can also better prioritize security alerts according to risk scores, immediately removing access when security policies are violated or abnormal activity is detected.”

Supporting Resources

  • Learn more about the Identity+ Alliance here
  • Stay up-to-date on SailPoint, follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn
  • Subscribe to the SailPoint blog for regular conversations on industry innovations, SailPoint news, customers and best practices, and industry hot topics including mobility, cloud computing and compliance.

About SailPoint

As the fastest-growing, independent identity and access management (IAM) provider, SailPoint helps hundreds of global organizations securely and effectively deliver and manage user access from any device to data and applications residing in the datacenter, on mobile devices, and in the cloud. The company’s innovative product portfolio offers customers an integrated set of core services including identity governance, provisioning, and access management delivered on-premises or from the cloud (IAM-as-a-service). For more information about SailPoint, please visit www.sailpoint.com.

SailPoint, the SailPoint logo, IdentityIQ, IdentityNow, SecurityIQ and all techniques are trademarks or registered trademarks of SailPoint Technologies, Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. All other products or services are trademarks of their respective companies.


SailPoint Technologies
Jessica Sutera, 978-278-5411

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