14:59 uur 06-04-2016

BringCom en SES akkoord over nieuwe diensten Djibouti Teleport

STERLING, Va.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– BringCom Incorporated, een toonaangevende aanbieder van connectiviteitssystemen voor opkomende landen, heeft vandaag bekendgemaakt dat SES het door BringCom geleide grondstation Djibouti Teleport heeft geselecteerd voor de installatie van extra antennes en uitrusting ten gunste van video-uitzendingen in Sub-Saharaans Afrika. De nieuwe hosting- en colocatiediensten vormen een uitbreiding op de 9 meter lange Ku-band-antenne, de hub-uitrusting en backhauldiensten die BringCom sinds 2014 heeft geïnstalleerd en onderhouden voor SES.

Djibouti Teleport, met internationale MPLS-verbindingen via meerdere glasvezelcircuits, is de ideale keuze voor exploitanten die nieuwe antennes willen installeren en apparatuur bijeen willen brengen voor het bereik van publieke of zakelijke klanten in Afrika en het Midden-Oosten. Deze nieuwe diensten versterken de positie van Djibouti Teleport als veilige, betrouwbare en hoogwaardige faciliteit en eerste keuze voor het slaan van bruggen tussen Afrika en de rest van de wereld.


BringCom-SES Djibouti Teleport TVRO/DVB Services

STERLING, Va.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– BringCom Incorporated, a leading provider of connectivity solutions to developing countries, announced that SES has chosen the Djibouti Teleport facility managed by BringCom to install additional antennas and equipment (TVRO/DVB) for video broadcast applications in the sub-Saharan Africa region. These new hosting and colocation services are expansions to the 9 meter Ku-band antenna, hub equipment and backhaul services installed and maintained for SES by BringCom since 2014.

The Djibouti Teleport facility, with international MPLS fiber connectivity via multiple fiber circuit routing options, is the ideal choice for operators to deploy new antennas and collocate equipment to reach additional government and enterprise customers across Africa and the Middle East. These new services reinforce the position of the Djibouti Teleport as a secure, reliable high-grade facility and a first choice for bridging Africa with the rest of the world.

“BringCom is very pleased to announce this new multi-year teleport services contract, which demonstrates the multiple capabilities of BringCom personnel and the Djibouti Teleport,” said Fabrice Langreney, President and CEO of BringCom. “This additional contract from SES, including hosting of equipment, Ku-band antenna services, data backhaul and continuing maintenance, is a validation of BringCom’s strategy and investment in the region.”

Djibouti Teleport: your Fiber and Satellite Gateway to Africa and the Middle East.

About BringCom

BringCom has been supplying innovative communications solutions to its customers since 1992 offering connectivity services to enterprise and government customers in the United States, the Caribbean, Africa and the Middle East. It delivers communication solutions to and from some of the world’s most challenging locations while providing state-of-the-art communications links for its customers.

BringCom is headquartered in Sterling, VA, USA, in conjunction with its international teleport and main fiber Point of Presence (POP) and manages Djibouti Teleport through a joint venture with Djibouti Telecom. Its international operational knowledge, coupled with extensive local partnerships, offices and expanding MPLS POP network in Africa, the Middle East and the United States, uniquely positions BringCom to deliver reliable end-to-end solutions at competitive rates.

For further information please visit www.bringcom.com.


Manuel Charpentier, Marketing Director
+1 703-668-1178

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