14:18 uur 31-03-2016

TIM Ideas biedt oplossing voor nieuwe vastleggings- en openbaringseisen voor verkopers en handelaren

LONDEN–(BUSINESS WIRE)– TIM Group, exploitant van het leidende netwerk voor internationale handel en een alpha-captureplatform, heeft vandaag zijn dienst TIM Ideas aangekondigd. Dit is een systeem voor firma’s aan de verkoopkant die moeten voldoen aan de vastleggings- en openbaarheidseisen van de nieuwe voorschriften inzake marktmisbruik, die op 3 juli 2016 ingaan.

In een voor sommige handelaren verrassende stap keurde de Europese Commissie op 10 maart 2016 de technische standaarden van de Europese Autoriteit voor Effecten en Markten (ESMA) voor verkopers en en brokers onder de nieuwe Marktmisbruikverordening goed.

Het platform TIM Ideas is in staat alle voor de toezichthouder relevante beleggersaanbevelingen voor aandelen vast te leggen – inclusief de beleggingsaanbevelingen die op andere media zijn opgenomen, inclusief telefoon, chats en e-mail.


TIM Ideas solves brokers’ challenge to meet new capture and disclosure requirements for sales people and sales traders under MAR

LONDON–(BUSINESS WIRE)– TIM Group, operator of the market-leading global trade ideas network and alpha capture platform, has today announced that its TIM Ideas service is a compliant solution for sell-side firms needing to meet capture and disclosure requirements under new Market Abuse Regulations (MAR) due to be implemented on 3 July 2016.

In a development that has surprised some brokers across Europe, on 10 March 2016 the European Commission endorsed the European Securities and Markets Authority’s (ESMA) technical standards as they apply to sales people and sales traders under Market Abuse Regulation.

The TIM Ideas platform is able to capture all relevant equities-based Investment Recommendation information required by the regulator – including the recording of investment recommendations made through any other media, including telephone, chat and email. (Trade ideas are not inherently Investment Recommendations, but can be if communicated to multiple clients).

TIM Group is working with its network of brokers to ensure they are able to continue to provide Investment Recommendations after 3 July. Brokers can choose to link TIM Ideas to existing broker disclosure sites, or to publish internal information, such as company holdings that breach the relevant disclosure limits, to TIM for disclosure on a TIM site on behalf of the broker.

Colin Berthoud, Founding Partner of TIM Group, comments, “TIM Group’s services have always been compliance friendly. For years, we have captured structured recommendations and relayed them to clients that reward broker insight. We believe our Ideas platform provides our brokers with the ideal solution to the new MAR standards for capturing information, and are working with them to link that to existing information disclosure sites.”

More information

ESMA delivered its first set of technical standards relating to MAR on 28 September 2015, which included the objective presentation of investment recommendations and disclosure of particular interests or conflicts of interest.

All individuals making investment recommendations are classed as “Experts” under the new MAR standards. When they make investment recommendations sales people and sales traders will now face similar disclosure requirements to research analysts, including disclosure of their 12-month history in any stock they are recommending to a client, and personal or firm holdings in the stock over 0.5%.

The standards are due to come into effect on 3 July 2016. The regulation is documented here: http://ec.europa.eu/transparency/regdoc/rep/3/2016/EN/3-2016-1403-EN-F1-1.PDF

In 2006 the FSA commented on the use of the audit trails created by trade ideas in “Alpha Capture Systems” to be used for compliance purposes. (FSA Market Watch Newsletter, Issue No 17, September 2006).

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About TIM Group

TIM Group ( http://www.timgroup.com/) is a private limited company focused on developing technology for the finance sector. Our core products are software applications that enable institutional brokers to gain rewards for generating alpha via trade ideas whilst helping investment managers to achieve market-beating returns.

Our alpha capture platform enables brokers to gain fair compensation for their trade ideas by distributing them to clients in a structured, efficient and transparent format. Our decision support software provides investors with trade ideas, key analytics and a predictive signal for stock price change, helping them to achieve market-beating returns.

TIM has been used by almost every broker in Europe to capture trade ideas for more than ten years. Trade ideas are formal recommendations to buy or sell a stock, or other financial instrument. Trade ideas entered into TIM already contain all the information needed to provide the history of recommendations mandated under the new technical standards.


Cognito for TIM Group
Sam Hannaford / Jade Bestley
+44(0) 207 426 9400

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