11:30 uur 31-03-2016

RMB Capital versterkt team voor vermogensbeheer met Egor Rybakov

CHICAGO–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Het in Chicago gevestigde RMB Capital, een onafhankelijke financieel dienstverlener met meer dan 4,3 miljard dollar aan activa in beheer, heeft vandaag aangekondigd dat Egor Rybakov tot RMB Asset Management toetreedt als vicepresident en portefeuillebeheerder. Rybakov brengt RMB het beleggingsproces dat hij in de afgelopen twee decennia heeft aangescherpt – het universum van internationale aandelen afspeuren voor verkeerd geprijsde bedrijven die op de lange termijn in waarde stijgen. Dankzij de komst van Rybakov is RMB in staat een veelheid aan nieuwe internationale en mondiale strategieën aan te bieden, waarvan de eerste een geconcentreerde portefeuille van niet-Amerikaanse bedrijven in de market-cap is.

“Egor aannemen is een zinderende en belangrijke ontwikkeling”, zei Chris Graff, partner en directeur van RMB Asset Management. “Zijn ervaring in onderzoek, fundamentele aanpak en doelgerichte investeringsproces verbreden onze capaciteiten in het uitkiezen van aandelen. We dekken nu de hele wereld.”


RMB Capital Adds Egor Rybakov to Asset Management Team


CHICAGO–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Chicago-based RMB Capital (“RMB”), an independent financial services firm with more than $4.3 billion in assets under management, announced today that Egor Rybakov, CFA, has joined RMB Asset Management as a senior vice president and portfolio manager. Rybakov brings to RMB the investment process he has honed for the past two decades—screening the universe of international equities to uncover mispriced quality companies expected to create long-term value. With the addition of Rybakov, RMB will ultimately be able to offer a variety of new international and global strategies—the first being a concentrated portfolio of non-U.S. companies across the market-cap spectrum.

“Bringing Egor on board is an exciting and meaningful development,” said Chris Graff, partner and director of RMB Asset Management. “His research experience, fundamental approach, and focused investment process further expand our firm’s stock-picking capabilities. We now cover the globe.”

Adds Rybakov, “I’m very happy to be joining a dynamic and growing investment group whose approach and philosophy are so closely aligned with mine. Throughout my career, I have focused on discovering mispriced quality companies with durable operations, strong financials, and prudent management teams. Such businesses typically outperform over the long term. My disciplined and time-tested investment process balances pursuit for future value creation with downside protection, offering opportunities for savvy investors to gain exposure to international markets in a prudent manner.”

Prior to joining RMB, Rybakov was senior vice president and portfolio manager at Keeley Asset Management’s global equities practice. Previously, he held international equity portfolio management and research positions at a number of firms, including ENR Investments, Principal Global Investors/EDGE AM, affiliates of Nuveen Investments – Tradewinds Global Investors & SBAM, as well as Thornburg Investment Management. Rybakov holds a bachelor’s degree in economics and management from the Moscow State University (MGU) and an MBA with concentrations in finance and accounting from The University of Illinois at Chicago. He is based in Newport Beach, Calif., where RMB has established a satellite office.


For both individual and institutional investors, RMB Asset Management offers fixed income, equity, and alternative investment strategies run by highly experienced portfolio managers. Underpinning the team’s long-term investment approach is a deep commitment to fundamental research, concentration within portfolios, and risk management.


RMB Capital is an independent, diversified financial services firm. Its businesses include wealth management, asset management, and retirement plan consulting. RMB is headquartered in Chicago with offices in Denver, Jackson Hole, Wyo., and Washington, D.C., as well as several satellite locations. To learn more about RMB Capital, visit www.rmbcap.com.


RMB Capital
Media Contact:
Greenhouse Partners
Shawn Malayter, 872-267-2636
Senior Associate
smalayter@greenhousepartners.com< /a>
RMB Contact:
Kate Demet, 312-784-3203
S.V.P, Director of Marketing & Communications

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