08:30 uur 30-03-2016

Bitè maakt LTE mogelijk dankzij nieuwe ip-radio voor microgolffrequentie van SIAE MICROELETTRONICA

MILAAN–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Bitè Groep is in Litouwen en Letland aanwezig met mobiele netwerken en biedt data- en spraakdiensten aan. In de afgelopen jaren heeft Bitè zich gevestigd als de snelst groeiende operator met een sterke basis onder zakelijke klanten. Het biedt zijn gebruikers de beste downloaddiensten in de regio.

Bitè steunt voor zijn mobiele diensten voornamelijk op een infrastructuur van radionetwerken met microgolffrequentie voor, wat de gang naar de markt versnelt en de flexibiliteit voor beste dekking vergroot. Sinds vorig jaar gebruikt Bitè de platforms AGS20 en ALFOplus80HD van SIAE MICROELETTRONICA. Dit zorgt voor een boost van de backhaulcapaciteit in het gehele netwerk, wat Bitè in staat stelt ongeëvenaarde dataproducten aan te bieden.


Media Contact
Fabio Gavioli


Bitè Enables LTE with the Deployment of SIAE MICROELETTRONICA New Microwave Generation IP Radio

MILAN–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Bitè group present with mobile networks in both Lithuania and Latvia offers data and voice services. In the past few years Bitè established itself as the fastest growing operator with strong customer base with enterprises and offering to its users the highest download data service in the region.

Bitè predominantly relies over a wireless microwave radio network as infrastructure to its mobile service, offering them a fast time to market and flexibility to achieve best coverage. Last year Bitè started deploying SIAE MICROELETTRONICA AGS20 and ALFOplus80HD platforms boostingbackhauling capacity throughout the network, allowing them to offer unprecedented data services.

“We are delighted to introduce the AGS20 in our network. Its backward compatibility with the existing SIAE MICROELETTRONCIA microwave radio allowed for an easy introduction as well as protection of the investments we made in the previous years,” says Modestas Ropè Transmission system Manager in Bitè, adding, “we currently deployed it in 2048QAM split mount configuration.”

“Bitè is a strong example of how microwave is a key technology in the mobile arena, and we are pleased to be part of Bitè progresses by offering them a reliable network to base their growing business on,” says Claudio De Marco Account Manager in SIAE MICROELETTRONICA.


SIAE MICROELETTRONICA, founded in 1952, is a leader in wireless communication technology. Present in over 25 countries it offers to national and multinational operators advanced technological solution for microwave and millimetre wave transport, services and design. In 2014 the group has founded SM OPTICS, a company driving innovation in fiber based communication, counting on a proven management and R&D team with 20+ years of experience in the optical domain as well as delivering comprehensive professional services.”

For more information: www.siaemic.com

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Media Contact
Fabio Gavioli

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