14:56 uur 30-03-2016

Beijing International Import Food Expo 2016 opent in mei de deuren

BEIJING–(BUSINESS WIRE)– De vijfde Beijing International Import Food Expo 2016 (cipfe 2016) vindt van 6 tot 8 mei plaats in het Beijing Exhibition Center. Cipfe 2016, dat een expo-oppervlak heeft van twintigduizend vierkante meter, presenteert tien paviljoens over luxevoedsel (chocolade, snoep, noten enzovoorts), koffie en thee, drank, organisch voedsel, wijn en bier, zuivel, olie, vlees en meer. Naar verwachting komen ruim zeshonderd voedselbedrijven uit meer dan dertig landen en regio’s de expo, zoals uit de Verenigde Staten, Italië, Spanje, Australië, Thailand, Zuid-Korea en Maleisië.

Organisatoren China Chamber of International Commerce (CCOIC) en Zhenwei Exhibition Group voorzien in het grootste nationale handelsplatform voor de voedselindustrie. Het evenement, met als thema ‘Deel de Mondiale Smaak’, biedt ruimte aan 32.000 bezoekers, zoals importeurs-exporteurs, voedseldistributeurs, supermarkten, hotels, restaurants, clubs en andere aanverwante sectoren.


Beijing International Import Food Expo 2016 to Be Held This May

BEIJING–(BUSINESS WIRE)– The 5 th Beijing International Import Food Expo 2016 (cipfe 2016) will take place on 6 th-8 th May, 2016 at Beijing Exhibition Center. With an exhibition area of 20,000m 2, cipfe 2016 will present 10 pavilions covering leisure food (chocolates, candies, nuts and etc), coffee and tea, beverage, organic food, wines and beers, dairy, oil, meat, etc. Over 600 international food enterprises from more than 30 countries and regions are expected to attend the exhibition, including US, Italy, Spain, Australia, Thailand, South Korea and Malaysia.

Under the theme of “Share the Global Taste”, the organizers of the event, China Chamber of International Commerce (CCOIC) and Zhenwei Exhibition Group, will provide the biggest national-level imported food trade platform for over 32,000 visitors, including import-export traders, food distributors, supermarkets, hotels, restaurants, top clubs and other related industry sectors. As one of the highlights in the exhibition, numerous buyers will also seek potential consumers and enlarge their business cooperation in Asian market.

In order to attract the most influential targeted visitors during the three-day event, the diamond buyers invitation group of cipfe 2016 will identify valuable buyers and establish and maintain contact with them, so that the exhibitors can learn the latest ideas and thoughts of the attendees. Meanwhile, some seminars such as Products Promotion Seminar, Oversea Products Purchasing Seminar and World Delicacy Tasting Seminar will be concurrently held during the exhibition.

Besides, over 100 mainstream media like People’s Daily, CCTV, Xinhua, China Daily, Beijing TV Station, sina.com.cn, ifeng.com, sohu.com, China Taiwan and Asia Food will attend the event and offer the latest industry information and investment opportunities for visitors and buyers worldwide. Furthermore, Business Recruitment Agency Conference, World Food Tasting Conference and Networking of Shop, Supermarket and E-commerce will also create great chances for both traders and buyers to learn the development trend of the food industry and make long-term win-win collaborations.

More information about cipfe 2016, please visit: www.cipfe.com.

About cipfe

Beijing International Import Food Expo (cipfe) is the only one National-level import food expo in Beijing. The CCOIC and Zhenwei will build a famous Brand Exhibition Project, and make full use of the 200,000 professional database, which include the international buyers in China, Food agencies, Supermarket, High-end club etc.


Beijing Zhenwei Exhibition Co., Ltd.
Margaret Duan or Cassidy Liu, +8613910314389, +86-10-58236512

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