09:39 uur 24-03-2016

Republikeinse stemmers voorverkiezingen Utah loven online stemmen

SALT LAKE CITY–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Republikeinen uit Utah brengen dinsdag hun stem uit via een van de grootste online verkiezingsrondes uit de Amerikaanse electorale geschiedenis.

Met de inzet van Smartmatics op maat gemaakte i-voting-systeem bezorgt de Republikeinse partij van Utah kiezers een nieuwe, veilige en comfortabele optie voor hun stem op een presidentskandidaat.

Bijna 90 procent van de kiezers heeft zich ingeschreven om dinsdag online te stemmen, een uitzonderlijk hoog opkomstcijfer. Kiezers van alle leeftijden, van millennials tot tachtigers, kozen ervoor hun stem online uit te brengen. De deelname was het grootst onder kiezers met een leeftijd tussen de 56 en 65 jaar.


Utah GOP Caucus Voters Praise Online Voting Experience

SALT LAKE CITY–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Utah Republicans cast their ballots on Tuesday in one of the largest Internet voting experiences in U.S. election history.

By leveraging Smartmatic’s custom-built i-voting solution, the State Republican Party of Utah brought a new, secure and convenient option to participants in its Presidential Preference Caucus.

Nearly 90% of voters registered to vote online participated in Tuesday’s caucus, marking an extremely high turnout rate. Voters of all ages, from millennials right through to people in their 80s, chose to cast their vote online. Participation was strongest amongst voters aged 56-65.

The online system also made the election more inclusive as Utah Republicans voted online from over 45 countries, including places as far away as French Polynesia, South Africa and Japan. In addition to strong demand among those voting online, thousands called Smartmatic and Utah GOP helplines on Election Day seeking to register to vote online.

Commenting on the online voting experience in this first-ever Caucus held in Utah, James Evans, Chairman of the Utah Republican Party stated: “We are proud to have taken a leading role in election modernization. By offering online voting, we expanded the number of options citizens have to participate and made voting as convenient as possible. Technology proved key in engaging citizens and bolstering democracy.”

After making their selections, online voting participants were asked to provide feedback on their experience:

  • 94% of respondents described the online voting experience as good.
  • 97% would consider voting online in future elections.
  • 82% wanted to see online voting implemented nationwide.

The vote comes on the heels of new research suggesting that 81% of American voters felt changes needed to be made to the US voter experience and voting system.

“We know old systems and long lines reduce participation and hurt the democratic process,” said Antonio Mugica, Smartmatic’s CEO. “Voter feedback is clear. Online voting in the Utah GOP caucus demonstrates how efficient, cutting-edge technology-based solutions help make elections more inclusive and the voting experience easier and more accessible.”

About Smartmatic

Founded in the USA in 2000, Smartmatic is the leading provider of voting technologies and solutions worldwide. Today, out of the eight countries pioneering election automation Smartmatic provides technology and services to six of them: Belgium, Brazil, Estonia, the Philippines, USA and Venezuela.

The company has managed elections across five continents, processing over 2.5 billion votes. It serves customers through an organization comprising over 600 employees across 12 offices around the world.

Smartmatic is headquartered in London, UK. For more information, visit www.smartmatic.com.


Mrs. Samira Saba, +1-561-862-0747
Marketing and Communications Director

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