17:46 uur 08-03-2016

Westinghouse positioneert Italiaanse productie-operaties voor succes

PITTSBURGH–(BUSINESS WIRE)–In een nieuwe stap richting de verwezenlijking van zijn Right to Grow-strategie, maakt Westinghouse Electric Company vandaag bekend dat Mario Signorini is benoemd tot ceo van Mangiarotti S.p.A., een dochteronderneming van Westinghouse en Toshiba. Signorini wordt ook algemeen directeur van Westinghouse Nuclear Fuel and Components Manufacturing, Italy Operations. 

“Westinghouse en zijn leiders leggen zich toe op superieure producten voor onze klanten, die voldoen aan de strenge kwaliteitseisen voor veiligheid en efficiëntie binnen deze industrie, of deze zelfs overtreffen”, zei José Emeterio Gutiérrez, senior vicepresident voor kernbrandstof- en componentproductie. “De toetreding van Mario tot ons team van leidinggevenden versterkt de regionale aanwezigheid van ons internationale bedrijf en ons vermogen veilige, schone en betrouwbare energiesystemen te leveren.”


Westinghouse Positions Italian Manufacturing Operations for Success

PITTSBURGH–(BUSINESS WIRE)– In another step furthering its Right to Grow strategy, today Westinghouse Electric Company announced its appointment of Mario Signorini as chief executive officer of Mangiarotti S.p.A., an affiliate of Westinghouse and Toshiba, and managing director, Westinghouse Nuclear Fuel and Components Manufacturing, Italy Operations.

“Westinghouse and its leaders are dedicated to providing superior products to our customers that meet or exceed the stringent standards in quality our industry requires for safe and efficient operations,” said José Emeterio Gutiérrez, Westinghouse senior vice president Nuclear Fuel and Components Manufacturing. “The addition of Mario to our product line leadership team strengthens the regional presence of our global company and our ability to deliver safe, clean, reliable energy solutions to our customers around the world.”

Effective April 1, Signorini will provide day-to-day operations management of Mangiarotti as well as assume responsibility for managing Westinghouse nuclear fuel and components manufacturing operations based in Italy. Mangiarotti’s more than 300 employees are located in Monfalcone and Pannellia, Italy, and manufacture a variety of components for the nuclear, oil and gas industries.

With more than 25 years of leadership experience and 12 in the energy, oil and gas industries, including responsibilities in innovation, mergers and acquisitions, and global marketing, Signorini brings a broad base of experience to Mangiarotti and Westinghouse’s Italy-based nuclear fuel and components manufacturing business.

To learn more about Westinghouse Electric Company and our 130-year history of innovation visit www.westinghousenuclear.com.


Westinghouse Electric Company
Courtney Boone, +1 412-374- 2707
Director, Press Relations and Public Affairs

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