13:20 uur 03-03-2016

SessionM breidt internationaal uit na opvallende groeispurt

BOSTON–(BUSINESS WIRE)– SessionM, pionier in cloudtechnologie voor mobiele marketing, heeft vandaag aangekondigd uit te breiden buiten de Verenigde Staten. SessionM opent een nieuw kantoor in Londen, ter bevordering van snelle bedrijfsgroei. Het internationale kantoor ondersteunt activiteiten in Europa, het Midden-Oosten en Afrika.

Philip Clement, met 20 jaar ervaring een veteraan in mobiel, is aangetrokken om het Londense kantoor te leiden. Hij wordt vicepresident van de afdeling enterprise sales for EMEA. Clement heeft in de voorhoede van innovatie aan baanbrekende producten gewerkt met organisaties als Vodafone, BT en Cable & Wireless. Zijn meest recente werk was voor bemoko, een start-up voor software voor mobiele platforms, waar hij de groei wist op te drijven tot driecijferige percentages, dankzij samenwerkingen met Pizza Hut, Victoria’s Secret, JCPenny en AT&T. Clement leidde het bedrijf vervolgens bij de overname door SDL plc, een bedrijf in klantervaringensoftware.

Remarkable Growth Sparks International Expansion for SessionM

BOSTON–(BUSINESS WIRE)– SessionM, pioneers in mobile marketing cloud technology, today announced that it is expanding outside of the United States, opening a new office in London to support its rapid company growth. The new international office will support activities in Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

20-year mobile veteran Phillip Clement will be brought on to lead the London office, serving as vice president of enterprise sales for EMEA. Clement has worked with leading-edge products at the forefront of innovation with organizations such as Vodafone, BT and Cable & Wireless. Most recently, he worked with bemoko, a mobile platform software startup, where he drove triple-digit growth working with brands such as Pizza Hut, Victoria’s Secret, JCPenney and AT&T. Clement then led its acquisition by SDL plc, a customer experience software company.

“Demand for our industry-leading mobile technology has taken off as enterprises are growing more sophisticated with their mobile-first CRM and engagement efforts,” said Lars Albright, co-founder and CEO of SessionM. “We’ve had amazing success with global brands, and this expansion will help us serve them better in every region that they operate in. With Phillip’s cross-industry experience in social, mobile, digital and web, he’s the ideal partner to help our clients transform their mobile engagement efforts, bringing a fresh perspective coupled with a deep understanding of today’s disruptive strategies and technologies.”

SessionM achieved remarkable growth in 2015, signing several category-leading Fortune 500 clients to its Mobile Marketing Cloud and growing headcount by 25 percent in Q4 alone. SessionM is headquartered in Boston with offices in New York, San Francisco, Chicago and now London.

About SessionM:

SessionM is the next-generation CRM and engagement platform. The company’s cloud-based solutions integrate loyalty marketing technology with marketing automation and data management capabilities to drive personalized consumer relationships through the mobile device. The company is headquartered in Boston with offices around the globe. For more information on SessionM, visit www.sessionm.com.


fama PR for SessionM
Jessica Harrison, 617-986-5024

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