15:48 uur 01-03-2016

Synexus breidt mondiale capaciteit uit en betreedt markt in Verenigde Staten met overname Research Across America

LONDEN–(BUSINESS WIRE)- Synexus kondigt de aankoop van Research Across America aan. De aankoopsom is niet openbaar gemaakt. RAA is opgericht door Jeffrey Adelglass en heeft expertise in medisch onderzoek, met meer dan tweeduizend klinische proeven die zijn uitgevoerd in specialistische onderzoeksvestigingen.

Sinds Synexys niet meer beursgenoteerd is, kent het bedrijf een consistente groei als gevolg van zijn gerichte koop- en opbouwstrategie. Dit gaf vorm aan een wereldwijd toonaangevende Site Management Organization (SMO), die zich toelegt op de wereldwijde werving van deelnemers voor medisch onderzoek en de leiding aan onderzoeken. Synexus bezit al 25 onderzoeksvestigingen in tien landen. Dankzij de toevoeging van meerdere nieuwe vestigingen in de Verenigde Staten kan Synexus klanten nu toegang verschaffen tot meer dan 79 miljoen potentiële patiënten. De deal voorziet in belangrijke capaciteit, expertise op de Amerikaanse markt en therapeutische ervaring.



Synexus Expands Global Capability and Enters US Market with Acquisition of Research Across America

LONDON–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Synexus has announced the purchase of Research Across America for an undisclosed sum. RAA was founded by Dr. Jeffrey Adelglass and has proven clinical trial expertise, having conducted over 2000 clinical trials at its dedicated research sites.

Since being taken private in 2007 Synexus has enjoyed consistent growth using its targeted buy and build strategy. This has created the world’s leading Site Management Organization (SMO), dedicated to the recruitment and management of clinical trials across the globe. Synexus already owns 25 dedicated research sites across ten countries. The addition of multiple new sites in the United States means that Synexus can now offer customers access to over 79 million potential patients. The deal provides important capacity, US market expertise and therapeutic experience.

The Synexus dedicated site model of patient recruitment, trial conduct and patient retention improves the speed and efficiency of clinical trials on behalf of Pharma, Biotech and CRO customers. Dedicated sites benefit from its investment in best-in-class quality SOPs, access to scientific advisory boards for key therapeutic areas and a wide network of KOLs that provide valuable insight to customers. Its specialist tailored enrolment and retention strategies address a key challenge in the global clinical trial industry where almost 90 per cent of all trials undertaken are delayed due to slow patient enrolment, leading to delayed access to new medicines for patients.

Speaking about the acquisition, Christophe Berthoux, CEO said: “Synexus already has a strong international footprint. This latest acquisition is an important one for Synexus as it marks our entry into the US market, giving us truly global capability. We spent a great deal of time considering an appropriate partner and selected Research Across America as it has a number of synergies with the Synexus model. In addition by adding these sites to our network we have also gained expertise in areas, such as dermatology and generics, enabling us to further support our client base.”


Sarah Roberts
Vane Percy & Roberts
(T) +44 (0) 1737 821890
(e) sarah@vanepercy.com

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