14:03 uur 26-02-2016

RSA: Stormshield geeft voorproefje van cloudbased versleutelsysteem

PARIJS–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Stormshield, een belangrijke speler op de markt voor cyberveiligheid, kondigt zijn deelname aan de conferentie RSA 2016 aan. Stormshield geeft gedurende het evenement, dat van 29 februari tot 4 maart in San Francisco plaatsheeft, een voorproef van Stormshield Data Security for Cloud & Mobility – een cloudbased programma voor dataversleuteling.

Stormshield Data Security for Cloud & Mobility geeft bedrijven en organisaties de mogelijkheid de volle kracht en wendbaarheid van cloudbased samenwerkingssoftware, zoals Microsoft Office365 of Dropbox te gebruiken, maar tegelijkertijd de privacy van alle externe data te bewaken. Werknemers kunnen eenvoudig samenwerken met interne en externe gebruikers van om het even welk platform (Windows, iOS, Android, etc.) door versleutelde data via hun applicaties te delen. Het geïmplementeerde programma is volledig platform-onafhankelijk.


RSA: Stormshield Gives a Preview of Its Cloud-Based Encryption Solution

PARIS–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Stormshield, a key player on the cyber security market, is announcing its participation in the RSA 2016 conference taking place in San Francisco from 29 February to 4 March next. During the event, Stormshield will give a preview of Stormshield Data Security for Cloud & Mobility: its cloud-based data encryption solution.

Stormshield Data Security for Cloud & Mobility lets businesses and organisations use all the power and agility of cloud-based collaborative applications like Microsoft Office365 or Dropbox while staying in control of outsourced data privacy. Employees can easily collaborate with internal and external users across any platform (Windows, iOS, Android, etc.) by sharing encrypted data via their applications. The protection scheme implemented is totally platform-independent.

Stormshield will also introduce its “Multi-layer Collaborative Security” approach, a holistic model based on active collaboration between security engines built into the different solutions. This concept embodies the future of deep information system defence and delivers new-generation protection against the increasingly sophisticated threats that easily bypass traditional security technologies.

This year will also be an opportunity to unveil Stormshield Network Security’s “clean and pass” technology, which enhances the user experience by removing malicious scripts in website code on the fly, without blocking access to the sites.

In addition, visitors will be able to attend presentations on Stormshield Endpoint Security and its proactive behavioural analysis technology dedicated to protecting workstations and servers against 0-day threats and ransomware.

If you’d like to make an appointment with Matthieu Bonenfant, Product Marketing Director, please contact us:
Caroline Pain– cpain@meiji-communication.com + 33
Sandra Labérenne – slaberenne@meiji-communication.com – +33

About Stormshield – www.stormshield.eu
Stormshield offers innovative end-to-end security solutions worldwide to protect networks (Stormshield Network Security), workstations (Stormshield Endpoint Security) and data (Stormshield Data Security). These next-generation trusted solutions, certified at the highest level in Europe (EU RESTRICTED, NATO and ANSSI EAL4+), ensure the protection of strategic information and are deployed through a partner network of distributors, integrators and operators in businesses of all sizes, government institutions and defense organizations worldwide.


Press contact
Sandra Laberenne
slaberenne@meiji-communication. com
Caroline Pain

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