euNetworks breidt langeafstandsnetwerk voor DWDM uit naar Marseille
LONDEN–(BUSINESS WIRE)– euNetworks, aanbieder van infrastructuur voor breedbanddiensten in West-Europa, heeft vandaag aangekondigd zijn langeafstandsnetwerk voor dichte golflengtemultiplexig (DWDM, dense wavelength division multiplexing) uit te breiden naar Marseille. Het bedrijf investeert in twee nieuwe glasvezelroutes, wat Marseille diversiteit in breedband van 10G en 100G biedt.
“Deze investering vergroot de capaciteit en het bereik van ons netwerk in Frankrijk en vult de ontwikkeling van ons netwerk in groot-Parijs van oktober aan”, zei Kevin Dean, hoofd marketing van euNetworks. “De aansluiting op Marseille was een specifiek verzoek van onze klanten in 2015, omdat hun breedbandeisen blijven toenemen. De toevoeging helpt mensen die vanuit Londen, Dublin, Parijs en Frankfurt een aansluiting met Marseille willen, als toegangspoort tot Azië, het Midden-Oosten en het Middellandse-Zeegebied. Het stelt euNetworks ook in staat tegemoet te komen aan de backhaulvereisten tussen de kabelstations in Marseille en de rest van West-Europa. Onze uitbreiding komt tegemoet aan deze groeiende vraag met de inwerkingstelling van de kabels AAE-1, SEA-ME-WE-5.”
euNetworks to Expand Long Haul DWDM Network to Marseille
LONDON–(BUSINESS WIRE)– euNetworks, a provider of bandwidth infrastructure services in Western Europe, today announced it is expanding its long haul dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) network to Marseille. The company is investing in two new fibre routes, offering diversity to Marseille with bandwidth options at 10G and 100G.
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“This investment increases the capacity and reach of our network in France and compliments the development made in our Paris metropolitan network in October last year,” said Kevin Dean, Chief Marketing Officer of euNetworks. “Connectivity to Marseille was a specific request from our customers in 2015 as they continue to grow their bandwidth requirements with us. The network addition supports those who need to connect to Marseille as a key gateway to Asia, the Middle East and the Mediterranean from cities such as London, Dublin, Paris and Frankfurt. It also enables euNetworks to support backhaul requirements from the cable landing stations in Marseille to the rest of Western Europe. Our expansion will support growing backhaul needs as the AAE-1 and SEA-ME-WE-5 cables go live this year.”
The new routes run from Paris to Lyon and Marseille and diversely from Frankfurt to Strasbourg, Basel, Zurich, and Milan to Marseille. When the routes go live, euNetworks will offer 10G and 100G Wavelengths services from all major cities on the network to Marseille. In addition there will be a new link from Lyon to Geneva to Zurich. With direct connection to over 280 data centres in Europe and owning and operating 13 fibre based metropolitan networks, euNetworks offers a scalable, end-to-end bandwidth experience across Europe on its network.
“The extension of euNetworks’ modern, resilient, and high capacity network to Interxion Marseille (MRS1) adds tremendous value to our fast growing community of customers in the city,” said Mike Hollands, Director Connectivity, of Interxion. “MRS1 is the interconnection gateway to Africa, the Middle East and Asia; euNetworks will provide our customers with unique solutions to efficiently handle the large increases in content that is being exchanged between European cities and these regions.”
The euNetworks team are attending Capacity Middle East in Dubai from 1-3 March, talking about bandwidth connectivity options and developments across Europe for 2016. To learn more or to schedule a meeting, contact the team via the press contact provided below.
About euNetworks
euNetworks is a bandwidth infrastructure provider, owning and operating 13 fibre based metropolitan networks across Europe connected with a high capacity intercity backbone covering 45 cities in 10 countries. The company leads the market in data centre connectivity, directly connecting over 280 in Europe today and is also a leading cloud connectivity provider. The company offers a portfolio of metropolitan and long haul services including Dark Fibre, Metro Wavelengths, Wavelengths, Ethernet, and Internet. Media, finance, enterprise and carrier customers benefit from euNetworks’ unique inventory of fibre and duct based assets that are tailored to fulfil their high bandwidth needs.
euNetworks Group Limited is headquartered in London. For further information please visit
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euNetworks Press Contact:
Hannah Fox
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hannah_britt skype
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