17:55 uur 24-02-2016

Klanten Signiant Media Shuttle gebruiken vaker cloudopslag

LEXINGTON, Mass.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Signiant, marktleider software voor intelligente documentverplaatsingen, heeft vandaag bekendgemaakt dat de vraag naar zijn functie voor cloudimplementatie binnen Media Shuttle sterk is toegenomen. Media Shuttle is de facto de standaard voor praktische verplaatsingen van grote documenten. Nu gebruik van de cloud steeds wijder is verbreid, vergemakkelijkt de architectuur van Shuttle de inzet van Amazon of Microsoft Azure voor de opslagcomponent van het systeem voor versnelde documentverplaatsing.

“In de laatste maanden hebben we een aanzienlijke toename van de vraag naar een cloudimplementatie-optie van Media Shuttle gezien”, zei Cory Bialowas, senior vicepresident van de afdeling Product Management van Signiant. “In veel situaties beseffen eindgebruikers niet dat hun IT-organisaties deze overstap hebben gemaakt. De producten werken precies hetzelfde als voorheen.”

Signiant Media Shuttle Customers Increasingly Turn to Cloud Object Storage

LEXINGTON, Mass.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Signiant, the market leader in intelligent file movement software, today announced escalating demand for the cloud storage deployment option of Media Shuttle, the de facto standard for hands-on movement of large files. As the use of cloud storage becomes increasingly widespread, Shuttle’s unique architecture makes it easy for customers to use Amazon or Microsoft Azure for the storage component of their accelerated file transfer system.

“Over the last several months, we have seen a significant increase in demand for the cloud deployment option of Media Shuttle,” said Cory Bialowas, SVP of Product Management at Signiant. “In many situations, end users aren’t even aware that their IT organization has made the change – the product performs exactly as before. We’re also seeing brand new applications where customers with cloud initiatives come to Signiant looking for a fast, easy, secure means of accessing their object storage. These exciting new use cases are opening up even broader market opportunities for Shuttle.”

The Society of Motion Picture & Television Engineers (SMPTE) is an example of a Media Shuttle user that recently opted to move its deployment to AWS S3 storage. “Setting up Media Shuttle with our S3 storage was very easy,” said Mauricio Roldan, Manager of Engineering Services at SMPTE. “Additionally, Shuttle deployed with S3 storage allows for better visibility into our file repository. We can browse the contents of our S3 buckets directly through the Shuttle portal rather than separately launching AWS Explorer to perform this task.”

Media Shuttle uses a patented architecture in which the control functions (such as delivering web interfaces, orchestrating file movement, and sending email notifications) are delivered by Signiant via a cloud-native Software as a Service (SaaS). The other major part of the system, which handles the actual transfer of data in and out of storage, can be deployed in two different ways. The customer can choose between on-premises storage and server running Signiant software, or their cloud object storage tenancy (AWS S3 or Azure Blob storage). In the latter, the cloud servers and software are operated by Signiant as another SaaS component, simplifying deployment even further. The result is a highly elastic solution that scales automatically with changes in data load needs.

Customers are realizing that it is fast and easy to deploy Media Shuttle with cloud object storage, and that Shuttle can address emerging applications as people increasingly need to interact with the cloud. To learn more, please visit: http://www.signiant.com/articles/cloud/media-shuttle-with-cloud-object-storage/.

About Signiant

Signiant’s intelligent file movement software helps the world’s top content creators and distributors ensure fast, secure delivery of large files over public and private networks. Built on Signiant’s patented technology, the company’s on-premises software and SaaS solutions move petabytes of high-value data every day between users, applications and systems with proven ease. www.signiant.com


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