10:51 uur 19-02-2016

Eerste steen gelegd in Rotterdam: LBC Tank Terminals begint bouw extra roestvrijstalen opslagtanks

ROTTERDAM, Nederland–(BUSINESS WIRE)– LBC is in februari 2016 begonnen met de bouw van extra tankcapaciteit in de Botlek in Rotterdam, waarmee het opslagbedrijf tegemoet wil komen aan de toegenomen vraag.

LBC investeert, geheel in lijn met zijn uitbreiding aan de havenhoofden, meer in zijn Rotterdamse opslagcapaciteit, die wordt verhoogd naar 250 duizend kubieke meter.

De uitbreiding van 36 duizend kubieke aan roestvrijstalen tanks is inmiddels begonnen. Deze extra opslag is in de eerste helft van 2017 operationeel.


Rotterdam Ground Breaking: LBC Tank Terminals Start Building Additional Stainless Steel Tank Capacities

ROTTERDAM, Netherlands–(BUSINESS WIRE)– In order to meet the increasing demands of its customers, LBC has initiated the construction of additional tank capacity at the LBC terminal in Botlek – Rotterdam in February 2016.

In line with expanding its jetty capabilities, LBC is further investing in its Rotterdam terminal and storage capacity will be increased to 250.000m³.

The first 36.000m³ expansion of stainless steel tanks has started and will be operational first half of 2017.

Additionally, upgrades to the railcar and truck loading facilities will be carried out to accommodate a large range of liquid chemicals.

The terminal will be able to handle products requiring vapor treatment, mixing and blending as well as those requiring dedicated temperature control.

This innovative expansion matches the ambition of LBC to become the most efficient terminal in the Port of Rotterdam when it comes to ship-to-shore interface and ship-turnaround times. In addition, the expansion affirms the position of LBC as the responsible logistic supplier of choice where there is no such thing as a hazardous chemical, at least not when in their care.


LBC Belgium Holding NV
Christina Schosser, 0032 15 28 73 10

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