16:45 uur 18-02-2016

SailPoint eert toppartners voor mondiale groei gebruikersbeheer

AUSTIN, Texas–(BUSINESS WIRE)– SailPoint, leider in toegangs- en gebruikersbeheer (IAM), heeft onlangs de uitbreiding van zijn partnergemeenschap gevierd op zijn internationale partnertop. SailPoint kondigde daarbij de succesvolste partners van 2015 aan. De prijzen erkennen de best presterende partners die zich evenals SailPoint inzetten om de beste IAM-systemen van de sector te leveren en te garanderen dat klanten de vereiste middelen hebben voor effectievere beveiliging en risicovermindering.

De Partner of the Year Award erkent leiderschap op gebied van sales in de belangrijkste regio’s voor SailPoint. De winnaars van 2015 zijn Sila Solutions Group voor Noord- en Zuid-Amerika, KOGIT GmbH in Europa en Ubusha Technology Pty Ltd voor de rest van de wereld. IAM-consultant Identropy is uitgeroepen tot Nieuwkomer van het Jaar, omdat het de succesvolste partner is waarmee SailPoint in 2015 een samenwerking is aangegaan.


SailPoint Honors Top Partners for Extending Identity Governance Adoption Globally

AUSTIN, Texas–(BUSINESS WIRE)– SailPoint, the leader in identity and access management (IAM), recently celebrated its expanding partner community at the company’s global sales kick-off and partner summit by announcing the most successful partners of 2015. The awards recognize the top-performing partners who share SailPoint’s dedication to delivering the industry’s best IAM solutions and ensuring customers have the tools they need to increase the effectiveness of their security and risk-mitigation efforts.

SailPoint’s “Partner of the Year” awards recognize sales leadership in SailPoint’s key regional markets. The 2015 honorees were: Sila Solutions Group for the Americas, KOGIT GmbH for Europe, and Ubusha Technology Pty Ltd for Rest of World. IAM consultancy Identropy was named SailPoint’s “Rookie of the Year” for being the most successful partnership created in 2015.

KPMG was named SailPoint’s “Global Alliance Partner of the Year.” Honoring the organization with the strongest global presence in the SailPoint channel ecosystem, KPMG displayed the reach and commitment needed in leveraging the relationships and capabilities of both companies to help clients solve their IAM challenges.

Finally, Optiv, a market-leading provider of end-to-end cyber security solutions, received the SailPoint Spinnaker Award, which honors the partner that most clearly demonstrates an unwavering commitment to the value proposition of enterprise-grade IAM technology. Optiv is the first partner to receive this award for two consecutive years.

“Partnerships are paramount to SailPoint’s business strategy, and our partners fully recognize the value to customers of putting identity at the center of their security strategies,” said Harry Gould, vice president of worldwide alliances and channels. “SailPoint’s commitment to our customers requires a robust partner ecosystem to make sure organizations are getting the best possible advice and guidance before, during and after they purchase our solutions. We’re honored that our partners choose to go-to-market with us, and are thrilled to celebrate their ongoing success.”

SailPoint has a strong partner ecosystem, with more than 150 partners around the world. To date, more than 3,000 partner resources have been trained on SailPoint’s solutions. For more information on becoming a SailPoint partner, visit: https://www.sailpoint.com/partners.

About SailPoint

As the fastest-growing, independent identity and access management (IAM) provider, SailPoint helps hundreds of global organizations securely and effectively deliver and manage user access from any device to data and applications residing in the datacenter, on mobile devices, and in the cloud. The company’s innovative product portfolio offers customers an integrated set of core services including identity governance, provisioning, and access management delivered on-premises or from the cloud (IAM-as-a-service). For more information about SailPoint, please visit www.sailpoint.com.

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SailPoint Technologies
Anna Lindsey, 512-664-8764

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