13:04 uur 10-02-2016

MaxPoint breidt op data gebaseerde programmatische reclame uit naar Europa

RALEIGH, N.C. & LONDON–(BUSINESS WIRE)– MaxPoint heeft vandaag bekendgemaakt dat zijn programmatische technologie Digital Zip uitbreidt naar Frankrijk, Duitsland, Italië en Spanje. Het bedrijf heeft dertigduizend micro-buurten, oftewel Digital Zips, in kaart gebracht. Hiermee bereiken campagnes van cliënten consumenten in heel Europa.

De introductie van Europese programmatische marketingfuncties markeert een verschuiving in de Europese Unie, waar het lang de norm was om reclame rechtstreeks met grote uitgevers te coördineren. MaxPoints op data gebaseerde platform gebruik daarentegen geanonimiseerde informatie over de geografie, demografie en koopintenties, waarmee het vaststelt in welke Digital Zips een adverteerder de meeste kans maakt om zijn product of dienst te verkopen. Hoewel bepaalde providers lokale targeting op nationale basis aanbieden, is MaxPoint het eerste bedrijf in marketingtechnologie dat  een microbuurtmethode hanteert voor uiterst locale campagnes in meerdere EU-landen.


MaxPoint Expands Data-Driven Programmatic Advertising Across Europe

RALEIGH, N.C. & LONDON–(BUSINESS WIRE)– MaxPoint (NYSE: MXPT) today announced the expansion of its programmatic Digital Zip ® technology to France, Germany, Italy and Spain. The company has mapped over 30,000 new micro-neighbourhoods, or Digital Zips, giving clients the ability to reach consumers at scale with campaigns across Europe.

The introduction of European programmatic marketing capabilities marks a shift in the EU, where advertising coordinated directly with large publishers has been the norm. Instead, MaxPoint’s data-driven platform uses anonymized geographic, demographic and purchase intent intelligence to determine which Digital Zips are most likely to buy an advertiser’s product or service. While some providers offer local targeting done on a country-specific basis, MaxPoint is the first marketing technology company to use its micro-neighbourhood approach to give brands and retailers the ability to run hyperlocal campaigns across multiple EU markets.

“The EU advertising landscape looks very different than it did before,” said Joe Epperson, CEO of MaxPoint. “In markets where advertisers are considering programmatic digital advertising programs, we offer something truly unique: the ability to refine those programs with neighbourhood-level targeting while also reaching new consumers on any device.”

“We are so excited to be able to offer our continental European customers something their UK counterparts have been enjoying for the last 18 months: the ability to apply rich data and sophisticated hyperlocal targeting to reach new, untapped consumers,” said Paul Maraviglia, general manager of MaxPoint’s European operations.

For more information about MaxPoint’s European solutions, call +44 (0) 203 367 1684.

About MaxPoint

MaxPoint is a marketing technology company that generates hyperlocal intelligence to optimize brand and retail performance. We provide a platform for brands to connect the digital world with the physical world through hyperlocal execution, measurement, and consumer insights.

The company’s proprietary Digital Zip ® technology and the MaxPoint Intelligence Platform predict the most likely buyers of a specific product at a particular retail location and then execute cross-channel digital marketing programs to reach these buyers.

For more information, contact MaxPoint’s EU headquarters in London or visit maxpoint.com.


MaxPoint Interactive
Patrick Foarde, +1 404 879 9254

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