16:35 uur 04-02-2016

SynteractHCR begint 2016 met Amerikaanse en Europese evenementen ter bevordering van medisch onderzoek

SAN DIEGO–(BUSINESS WIRE)– SynteractHCR, een organisatie voor volledig uitbesteed onderzoek, is te zien op de tweede editie van  DPharm Europe: Disruptive Innovations to Advance Clinical Trials, dat 9 en 10 februari plaatsvindt in Londen. SynteractHCR verzorgt bovendien een tentoonstelling op Outsourcing in Clinical Trials West Coast 2016, van 10 tot 11 februari in San Mateo. Het groeiende, internationale afzetgebied van het bedrijf, vooral in de Verenigde Staten en Europa, noopt tot het delen van intellectueel kapitaal op internationale branche-evenementen.

De DPharm Europa-conferentie is gericht op internationale voorbeelden van baanbrekende ideeën en de toepassing van digitale technologieën ter bevordering van klinisch onderzoek. De ploeg van experts van SynteractHCR is aanwezig om te praten over de ervaringen van het bedrijf bij zijn samenwerkingen met opkomende en middelgrote farmaceuten, biofarmaceuten en bedrijven in medische apparatuur. Geïnteresseerden kunnen een afspraak maken met het team van SynteractHCR. Daartoe kunnen ze Tony Dean, senior directeur Business Development, bellen op het telefoonnummer +44 (0)7771 846186.


SynteractHCR Begins 2016 at U.S. and European Events Focused on Improving Clinical Trial Processes

SAN DIEGO–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Full-service contract research organization (CRO) SynteractHCR will exhibit at the 2nd annual DPharm Europe: Disruptive Innovations to Advance Clinical Trials event Feb. 9-10 in London, and will also present and exhibit at Outsourcing in Clinical Trials West Coast 2016 (OCT West Coast) Feb. 10-11 in San Mateo, Calif. The company’s growing international footprint, particularly in the U.S. and Europe, necessitates sharing intellectual capital at global industry events in 2016.

The DPharm Europe conference focuses on global examples of disruptive ideas and applying digital technologies to advance clinical trials. SynteractHCR’s team of experts will be in attendance to discuss the company’s experience in collaborating with emerging to mid-sized pharma, biotech and device companies to help efficiently bring tomorrow’s treatments to the patients who need them. Those interested in scheduling an appointment with the SynteractHCR team may contact Senior Director of Business Development Tony Dean at +44 (0)7771 846186.

At OCT West Coast, SynteractHCR will exhibit at booth #73 and discuss its global Phase I-IV capabilities. On Thursday, Feb. 11 at 9:30 a.m., Senior Regulatory Affairs Manager Thomas Christensen will present, “Preparing Proactively for FDA Mandated eCTD Submissions.” Because the FDA will require electronic common technical document (eCTD) submissions starting in 2017, attendees will learn how to streamline eCTD preparation as it becomes the standard submission format. The presentation will cover:

  • The timetable for the initial implementation of electronic submissions using eCTD
  • eCTD publishing, submission management and Regulatory Authority submission
  • Strategies for sponsors to improve turnaround times and higher quality submissions

Attendees interested in meeting with the SynteractHCR team at OCT West Coast may contact Executive Director of Business Development Kim Martinez at 760-529-3440.

See SynteractHCR’s full schedule of events and follow its social channels on LinkedIn and Twitter for live updates during all conferences.

About SynteractHCR

SynteractHCR is a full-service contract research organization with a successful two-decade track record supporting biotechnology, medical device and pharmaceutical companies in all phases of clinical development. SynteractHCR has conducted Phase I-IV studies on six continents and 60 countries, offering expertise across multiple therapeutic areas, with notable depth in oncology, immunotherapy, CNS, infectious disease, endocrinology, cardiovascular and respiratory, among other indications. With its “ Shared Work – Shared Vision” philosophy, SynteractHCR provides customized services collaboratively and cost effectively, ensuring on-time delivery of quality data to help bring tomorrow’s treatments to patients.


for SynteractHCR
Amanda Whitlock, 760-230-2424

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