13:06 uur 03-02-2016

Eltek lanceert Rectiverter, doorbraak in elektriciteitstechnologie

DRAMMEN, Noorwegen–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Eltek onthult vandaag zijn Rectiverter, een module voor energieconversie die de functies van een gelijkrichter combineert met een statische omschakelaar. De Rectiverter heeft drie tweerichtingsaansluitingen voor de vereenvoudiging van systemen met zowel wisselstroom als gelijkstroom, bijvoorbeeld voor telecom, datacenters en de industrie.  Het product heeft een conversie-efficiëntie van 96 procent in de mains-modus en 94 procent bij zijn functie als wisselrichter.

De combinatie van een gelijkrichter, die wisselstroom omzet naar gelijkstroom, en een wisselrichter, die gelijkstroom omzet naar wisselstroom, vereenvoudigt de elektra. Daarnaast vermindert de box de omvang van elektriciteitssystemen en verbetert het de algehele betrouwbaarheid van het systeem. Dit leidt tot kostenbesparingen voor de eigenaar, gedurende de hele levensduur van het systeem.



Eltek Launches the Rectiverter, a Breakthrough in Power Electronics Technology

DRAMMEN, Norway–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Eltek is today announcing the launch of the Rectiverter, a power conversion module combining the functions of a rectifier, an inverter and a “static transfer switch” in one. The Rectiverter is a 3-port bidirectional converter that simplifies solutions providing both AC and DC power to critical loads in telecom, data center and industrial applications. It features a power conversion efficiency of 96% in mains mode and 94% when operating as an inverter.

Combining a rectifier, which converts AC to DC, and an inverter, which converts DC to AC into one box simplifies the power system complexity, reduces system size and improves overall system reliability, resulting in a reduced total cost of ownership over the product lifetime.

Eltek’s first product on the market is the Rectiverter HE, delivering 230V/1500W AC and 48V/1200W DC. It features high power conversion efficiency, and is controlled by a single Eltek Smartpack controller. Rectiverter systems are available as single or 3 phase, input and output, and can be scaled to meet any power demand.

“The Rectiverter is the first new technology development in modular power conversion for many years and it’s a big step into more efficient, more reliable power infrastructure,” said Morten Schoyen, chief marketing officer of Eltek. “It is a product that fits in well in applications where we today use rectifiers and inverters separately, and will open doors to new exciting opportunities,” added Mr. Schoyen.

“To integrate a rectifier and an Inverter in the same box, with bidirectional power flow and still maintain high efficiency is an impressive achievement,” said Dr. Tore M. Undeland, Prof Emeritus of Electrical Engineering at Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). “The Rectiverter is based upon Eltek’s world-class expertise in power electronics, applied in a unique fashion. I am enthusiastic about the future potential for the Rectiverter and what this technology will bring in its future evolution,” he added.

The Rectiverter fits in well in all main business segments for Eltek. The first version is based on 48VDC and has a maximum capacity of 1500 VA for AC and 1200W of DC. The total capacity of a module is 2000VA (AC and DC combined). Rectiverter solutions are available and the production ramp-up is ongoing.

More information on the Rectiverter: http://www.eltek.com/rctvpr


About Eltek

Eltek, a Delta Group Company, is a strategic technology partner for power solutions. The company focuses on power electronics markets, where it is one of the leaders in telecom power and a growing force within industrial applications. Eltek is also pursuing growth opportunities within the datacenter market. Eltek, with operations in more than 40 countries, is headquartered in Drammen, Norway and became part of Delta Group in 2015, a leading provider of power and thermal management solutions.


Morten Schoyen, CMO
+47 915 17 452

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